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“Hey, that’s not soda, it’s pop. If you do that you will find out why.”
Not only did Stryker land the plane, he did so despite having a drinking problem.
Shirley you’re joking!
I’m not joking.
And don’t call me Shirley!
I’m suddenly in the mood for some Jello.
But the terminal got a renovation completed as a result.
Does anyone here speak Jive?
I picked a bad day to quit sniffing clue.
She like her men like she likes her coffee…
I saw a clip of her talking about that on some talk show. It was pretty good.
Black and 35 years old?
I’ve been reading this:
Surely You Can’t Be Serious: The True Story of Airplane!
It’s a really fun read – one finds out how they managed to make a movie (which is a bit of a mystery…) and some about Zero Hour!, the movie they were basically remaking (kinda)
The inspiration – this was a real line from Zero Hour!
Dr. Baird: Our survival hinges on one thing - finding someone who not only can fly this plane, but didn’t have fish for dinner.
Jim never has a second cup of coffee at home