For my fellow Catholics

So in Catechism in a Year is now moving onto Pillar 2 in the Catechism, which is on How We Worship (Pillar 1 is What We Believe – the Creed)

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Today is St. Philip Neri’s feast day

and he’s the patron of comedy!

St. Philip Neri, an Italian priest from the 16th century, is commonly known as the “patron saint of joy,” and the “humorous saint.” He wasn’t exactly a comedian, but he did enjoy poking fun at himself, using humor to maintain his humility.

For example, according to author Shaun McAfee, “Neri was known to show up to important events with half his beard shaved, give incorrect walking directions to his disciples, read a book of jokes … When he did each of these things he caused a mix of emotions in others, but it always ended up producing the same end state: increased humility, and increased patience.”

A few graphs

for the Sacred Heart

tomorrow is John the Baptist’s Birthday! Woot!

iirc, the only birthdays we actually celebrate in the Catholic Church are Jesus & John the Baptist

so, for those -born- without Original Sin, John the Baptist is within the group, bc he was “baptized” when he met his cousin while in the womb (at the visitation), which is pretty cool

Sorry, and the nativity of the BVM (Sep 8) – can’t forget Mary

anyway, -today- is John the Baptist’s birthday. Happy Birthday, St. John!

A celebratory serving of poutine is in order, I think.



Good news! Plenary indulgence time! And party time! (relatively speaking)

How to get the indulgence

The indulgence can be obtained by making a pilgrimage to a holy site connected to the Dominican Order to either take part in the jubilee celebrations or “at least devote a suitable time to pious recollection,” concluding by praying the Lord’s Prayer, reciting the Creed, and invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Any church, shrine, or chapel currently entrusted to the Dominican Order can meet the requirements for the pilgrimage.

According to a decree from the Vatican’s Apostolic Penitentiary, the plenary indulgence is available to “the truly penitent and charitable faithful” under the usual conditions.

The usual conditions for a plenary indulgence require the individual to be in a state of grace, have complete detachment from sin, and pray for the pope’s intentions.

The person must also sacramentally confess his or her sins and receive Communion up to about 20 days before or after the prayers for the indulgence.

Now, I don’t know if this counts, but of course, the Dominicans and the rosary are closely tied – why not enroll in the Rosary Contrafraternity? (as Stu & I have)

oh, it already comes with a plenary indulgence!

For members of the Rosary Confraternity, a plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, is granted: 1. On the day of enrollment. (When application is made, a certificate of membership is sent, indicating the day of the enrollment.) 2. On the following feast days: Christmas, Easter, Annunciation, Purification, Assumption, Our Lady of the Rosary, and Immaculate Conception.

this is from my church from Corpus Christi in June

Blessed Feast of Corpus Christi! Here at Saint Joseph’s Church - Somers, NY we had 40 Hours Devotion leading up to our noon Mass, which was celebrated by newly ordained Father Collins Ashu. After Mass, Father Ashu lead a Eucharistic procession around the grounds of the parish. Here’s a video of us stopping to pray before the Blessed Sacramemt in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother. A beautiful day!

Happy Feast of the Transfiguration!

Catholicism in East Asia


Many Catholics celebrate the feast day of the Transfiguration of Christ today. This 1640 woodcut print from an unknown Chinese artist was intended for the Emperor.chInAsia/status/1688175590489182208

feast day of St. Dominic today!

time for a rosary!

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Today is the Feast of the Assumption!

Go to Mass!

today was St. Monica’s day (superseded, bc it’s Sunday)

She was St. Augustine’s mom. She’s a good one if you have a child (or spouse) you just really have a long-term issue with (particularly with apostatizing)


In honor of the day:

[this is from March 2019]