Sunday trip to Lake Simcoe for perch with three newbs:
Those are some nice perch!
Normally it’s a mixed bag, we throw a lot back because they’re too small. This time we caught more ‘jumbo’s’ than I’ve ever caught on a trip. Seems ever second fish was a monster.
Took a u of Toronto postdoc and her brother from Jordan fishing today. Got about 10 good sized perch, had to call it quits because there were whitecaps on the lake.
I went fishing yesterday with my spouse and our dog for a change. What a great day. Put minnows in my spouses line. Start to put minnows on mine. Stop, take fish if spouses line and rebait. Continue to put minnows in my line. Stop, take fish off spouses line and rebait. Etc. that’s part of being the ‘guide’ lol, making sure everyone is having fun. That’s why once or twice a year I do a trip where ‘im going fishing’ and everyone knows beforehand they have to be self sufficient.
Im hoping that in Canada day I can take some students shore fishing at a place called asherly narrows. It’s where two lakes come together. There’s a historic site there. There are underwater structures there that are 5000 years old that were built for fishing. I want to stand and fish where someone did the same thing 5000 years ago, and share the reverence with the students.
Geez, now I’m getting more requests for charter bookings. People who’ve come with me before, have family visiting from abroad, hit me up for a day of fishing. I’m torn, I want them to experience the fun, but my days with students are limited, it takes a day away from me taking some newbs. Hard to say no though.
Though last time I did this, they paid for bait, my mcdees breakfast, and boat launch, that’s 100 bucks I pay when I take students. And they gave me a bottle of wine they brought over from Jordan. Not to hard to take.
Sounds like a potacular charter may be in order
Well next time the soa has an event in Toronto, lmk and I’ll organize something!
Got a four day trip planned for September long weekend. Way up north into the bush. Me +3 students.
One of the students coming is one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. Smart with a capital s. Outgoing. Entrepreneurial. Just spent the last year travelling the world on exchange. I can’t wait to get caught up.
One of the others is in insane about pike fishing. And where we are going, we will get pike. He was all pumped up for our trip in May but had to bail because of medical stuff. I’m doing this trip mostly to get him out.
Going to be a fun trip.
Getting the trip organized now. I ask for food requirements, because I have to watch for allergies and hala requirements (which I’m actually proficient at now).
One guy mentions some preferences. I advised him that if the meal isn’t to his preferences, I don’t mind if he hits up the restaurant. Which is an hour away,.longer I guess since you’d be walking.
Tldr; I don’t do requests.
Need to make it BYO. No reason you have to provide anything.
Or, tell them all what you are bringing (which should be pretty much the same every time, for efficiency purposes), and if any of them wants some, tell you now so you can stock up.
There’s a very good reason. The trips are for newbs, so I handle everything. They just hop into the truck and done. if I left anything to their wits, they’d be eating granola for two days and be out of food by the third. When I handle things, we eat like kings.
Camping in the bush way up north this past weekend with two students.
Easily the most fun I’ve had on one of these trips. Both students were outgoing and self sufficient, and stoned about 30% of the time lol. Had a couple of fish fries, swam in the middle of the lake, caught some fish. Had a lot of laughs.
On the way home, the parents of the Indian student invited us in for tea and hor duerves. Omg that was fantastic.
Is that your dog?
It’s my spouse’s dog. I don’t have a dog.