I mean, I use the mouse with Excel most of the time, but I use Ctrl-E-S-V all the time also… which is actually considered a legacy feature.
I’d probably move the contents of the cells together first, and make sure they are not separated again.
I use the mouse to double-click the bottom right corner of a cell to autofill a column. Apparently there is no easy keyboard shortcut to autofill. One suggestion is Ctl+Shift+End, then Ctl+D but I haven’t tried it. I used to use a series of arrow keys and End and Shift to do it but it took about 3 or 4 steps.
I often use the mouse to sort but apparently you can use Alt then A + S + S. That one might be an easy one to remember.
I’d copy, then control shift down, then shift up one time, then paste (then slide to the left)
That’s why the cool kids use trackballs.
And when you’ve got the finished product, do you say “everybody clap your hands “?
I’m counting 5 steps there.
Probably less than a second, for a pro.
I’m sure you’re very rapid, but are your spreadsheets correct?
I tried that and it pasted the formula up until row 1,0458,575 (assuming you mean down arrow by down). I only wanted to paste the formula until the end of the data, which is what double clicking on the bottom right of the cell does.
Ctl+Shift+End, then Ctl+D did work though.
I’m not doing anything mind-blowing, and they have been peer-reviewed over several years.
Creating a new topic… eh, never mind.
Oh in that case I’d hitch a ride on the column next to it to get to the bottom of the table. Then ctrl shift up and paste.
Left arrow | ctrl+down | right | ctrl+shift+up | ctrl+d
Yeah, that’s the one I used to do. Somehow the double click is more gratifying. Eventually I’ll get sick of it, I guess.
I’m struggling to recall the specifics but I think there’s a subtle difference between double clicking the black box vs copy pasting a formula, since the black box is trying to follow a perceived pattern that can yield unintended results
Naw, fake news.
57.39 = Sunday, February 26, 1900 9:21:36 AM
I have some files where the default format is “date.” I’ve had these files for years, and at some point the format changed – they certainly were not like this when I or someone else created them.
Maybe an Office upgrade, but why “date” fer Pete’s sake?