Exam 7 or Exam 9

Continuing the discussion from Fall 2020 Exam 7 Sitting:

Hey guys, i know this has been asked before but these exams have been changing so much each year.

I want to write exam 7 or 9 this spring 2021 and confused which one to start with. This will be my first attempt.
I do have reserving experience.
I am concerned about the time left Its only 3 months. I heard exam 7 is quite hard.

Please suggest which one should I opt for. Also please suggest whether i should go for TIA or CF/RF.

Thank you

FWIW I’ve only taken Exam 7 and have recently started studying for Exam 9, both of the exams are challenging in a different way - I think someone on the site has said before that Exam 9 is easier to learn but Exam 7 is easier to pass, i.e. material for 9 is a bit more approachable but have heard that the exam questions for 9 are more bloomsy/puzzle like. So really a matter of personal preference and what type of exam you think you’d do better with and if you have any exposure to the material from your work experience.

For study material, I used CF/RF for 7 and really liked it (prior to that had used TIA for every exam). If I pass 7 then I’ll likely use CF/RF and CC for 9.

thanks for the information

Is the coverage of the videos in CF/RF quite extensive or light touch compared to TIA? do you know ?

I’ve heard some say reserving experience makes the exam easier, some say it doesn’t, so YMMV.

Personally, I don’t think I could pass 7 in 3 months, but I could maybe pass 9. Ironic since I failed 9 my first attempt and hopefully passed 7, but 7 is the largest syllabus after 6.

If you think you’re okay at thinking in a “bloomsy” way, I would take 9 first, for time sake. Also with reserving you probably won’t hate 7 as much as I did after being burnt out of exams.

They must have changed the syllabus.

Back in my day 9 was about as big as 6, certainly > 7/8