Ever use grow lights?

For growing weed or other plants…

Yes. I had a rig last year for my vegetables. I think i didn’t have enough wattage or something. The plants grew to spindly and didn’t survive the transfer outside. This year I skipped it. Also, not enough room to be doing this inside.

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Yes. It didn’t work out.

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What happened?

Ya the weak ones they sell don’t really work.

It didn’t work out.

I’ve got one at work, where I’m pretty much in a dungeon, and it works great for many types of plants, but not that good with full-sun types (pretty much all vegetables, for instance). I couldn’t say about weed.

Wife uses them every year for our vegetable starts. Works great.

I assume they’d work on weed too.

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I used one on my crotch . . . with limited results.


Did it at least cure your COVID?



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The local constables still frown on grow operations.

Depends on the state. My BIL openly grows whatever the legal limit of plants is for his household.

I’ve used grow lights to start tomato seeds indoors. Worked great. I also had a heating pad under the soil, and a timer for the lights. I assume something similar would work to start weed. You’d need a larger set up if you wanted to grow it to size under lights. I’d suggest just potting them up and using sunlight. BIL puts the pots on wheels and moves the plants around his driveway so they are always in full sun.

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We have an Aero Garden at home. We grew the herbs that it came with: Genovese Basil, Thai Basil, Parsley, Mint, Dill, and Thyme. The dill and thyme didn’t end up sprouting, but, we got tonnnns of basil out of it. We recently repotted the 4 surviving herbs; hoping they get over the shock and respawn soon. (The parsley already did.)

Now we just sprouted the cherry tomatoes it came with. 6 for 6 this time! (We thought it would be 5 of 6 but the last one sprouted last night.)

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