Dressing Up for a Virtual Interview?

If I’m interviewing I assume suit unless otherwise told.

If I’m interviewing someone it’s just part of my workday so I wear whatever I’m wearing to work.

As an interviewee I don’t care if my interviewers are dressed up. In fact I’d prefer they weren’t because that tells me that the dress code is relaxed and I hate dressing up.

As an interviewer I expect the person being interviewed to dress well. I’ve hired someone who showed up to the interview in business casual when all other candidates had suits on, but it was noted as odd. I don’t care if you don’t have a tie. Female interviewees I can’t tell the difference between formal and business casual. So as long as they look like they dressed appropriately.

I haven’t done a zoom interview but I would probably expect jacket and collared shirt, but wouldn’t knock it against them for just a collared shirt. T-shirt I would hold it against them as it would seem like they didn’t even care enough about the job to put on a button up shirt.

I’m a Millennial.

so what you’re saying is that @John.S.Mill lumping all millennials together is just wrong.

one of the biggest pro casual attire people in my office before he retired was one of the heads of the office. he was much older than a millennial. don’t generalize.

Yep, I include this information when we book an interview. Something along the lines of ‘informal clothing is fine’.
I think clothing used to be a good proxy for something about work ethic. These days, it means nothing, is not a good proxy, and might be the opposite.
I’m just rethinking, and I think the student we just hired was wearing a business suit. But it was a marketing position, and they researched me and probably thought ‘boomer’, so it was valid. The student that’s currently in that role, the only time they’re ever dressed above ‘very informal’ means they’ve got something non-work related that day :). Today they’re likely stretched out on the couch working on their laptop in a t-shirt and shorts if I had to guess. Does not impact their work, not a bit.

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Or they don’t really care to impress a company that prioritizes dress code over talent.

you do prioritize dress code over talent though in that you judge candidates negatively for not dressing down.

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It’s more about situational awareness. If I have to bring you to a big meeting with outside individuals or senior executives do I have to worry about how you’ll look?

I don’t care if you dress like a slob every other day. I dress bare minimum dress code and work from home wearing shorts and a t shirt.


I can see that for in person.

If you’re at home and I see you in a suit that is just plain weird.

I had a zoom call two days ago that I had to throw a suit jacket on for (no tie) meeting with the heads of a provider group to pitch a value based care arrangement. They were wearing the same. In person that would have been ties on as well, but zoom allows one step lower imo. In this case it was ties to no ties.
Which is why I said interviewing in zoom if you just had a collared shirt on that’s okay because it’s a step down from normal expectation.

Now another perk of doing these on zoom is I wear basketball shorts with my suit jacket on.

Can we all just agree that ties should be obsolete? It serves no purpose and is super uncomfortable for some of us.

ties should be obsolete for men just like high heels should be obsolete for women. high heels are terrible for your feet and incredibly uncomfortable.

this will never go away, because of sex appeal. As long as men in suits get more attention from women and women in heels get more attention from men, these will never go away

yes, not entirely, but both aren’t as popular as they used to be. women wear flats a lot more now than in the days of yore. i saw some prom pictures on facebook where the girl had a fancy dress, but was wearing sneakers. there were comments. this wouldn’t have happened in my day, but good for her. heels suck.

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I know women who love to wear heels to the extent that they feel uncomfortable in flats.

My wife wore flats to our wedding.

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the only reason they feel uncomfortable in flats is because they entirely destroyed their feet by wearing heels their entire life.

that. is. not. normal.


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I know exactly one woman who enjoys heels. She was a competitive dancer whose feet were destroyed from that.

The rest of us hate them and most of us reached a point in our lives where we refused to wear them anymore. For me, that was just a bit before 30. I don’t own a single pair of heels anymore. I do, however, own about ten pairs of very comfortable Rothys.


a long time ago in my single days, i had some friends who worked at harry winston. They had to wear suits for work and sometimes we went out for drinks after (they in suits, me in shorts). The girlies were all over them, and they ignored me. Still I didn’t think of wearing a suit, cuz who cares

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i do agree it’s starting to go away, which is good