Doggo thread

he was the king of the trials!


My dog got injured again and she’s annoyed that no one will play fetch with her.


OMG OMG OMG!!! Start CPR (chikkinz to pupperz ressussitayshun)!!! I need an EKG, CBC, EIEIO, HSA, LIFO PDQ!!! AND AT LEAST 5 - NO 20 - UNITS OF TROBOL!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!

@Echo: SPEAK TO ME!!!

I think I’ll take her off restrictions tomorrow, as her wounds are looking much better. I didn’t make her wear a cone since she’s mostly been leaving them alone. She’s been moping all day.

Chalk it up to youthful exuberance. But you exactly what will make me feel better. :dog:



Substitute squirrel for raccoon and mission was accomplished.

And you brought back chikkinz for nutrition and healing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Chicken funds were spent on veterinary care. Be glad for the peanut butter spread covering antibiotics.


So you went running after a :raccoon: ???

I am disappoint in you. Ever so disappoint… :unamused:

I awoke to sounds of the 1am showdown. She has the puncture marks and scratches to prove it. I thought I’d have to drag over the hose and spray them to get her to disengage. The raccoon wasted no time getting the hell out of there.

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They are giant squirrels in masks. Evil as dried-fruit-that-shall-not-be-named. I kept my humans safe. :dog:

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Make sure Daddy gives you lots of treats and skritchy skratchies!!!

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I’ve seen this one before (probably here) or something just like it.

This one’s from FB

Basically, it’s young boy (2, 3, 4 yo, maybe) plays catch with neighbor’s dog, separated by fence.

This is Kandi, my parents’ dog. I’m keeping her while my dad’s recovering from a bad accident. Thinking about doggie diapers bc she’s not great at communicating her need to go out & she’s elderly. Anyone with experience in that dept?

And yes she needs a groom. Hubby will take her this week.

She’s really sweet tho.


I am getting older but fortunately haven’t had continence issues yet. I do get up more often during the night though.

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Uncertain why the dog will leave a perfectly competent ball thrower outside to come inside the house to find me to go outside and throw the ball.

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Did you “bring a hottie from the club”???

@Echo: Did he???

No but she got to lick the macaroni and cheese dish.

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Seems to be a fairly common issue with Yorkies :woman_shrugging: they do make diapers for them. If you have concerns for carpet or furniture, I’d for sure use them.

Nothing worse than pee smell in the house :face_vomiting: