Doggo thread

Come on Cavi! Please be ok!

Thank you for the good wishes but we did have to put him down on Saturday. His heart condition was so bad that the sedative basically stopped his heart. Sad day but he had a pretty good life we think. He was the type of dog where a stranger was a friend he hadn’t met yet.


That’s a hard loss. Condolences to you and your family.

So sorry to hear. They are such sweet dogs.

We dont deserve dogs

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My dog is surely aware and excited for the news of the new era for great britain. She thinks all the King Charles love is about her

from the twitter…reminds me of barkley from sesame street…
s/he must leave some large land mines in the back yard.

Today was the day!



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Today I learned my dog can clear a 6 foot fence

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my boy loves sitting in the truck. He doesnt know its still broken.


This little girl (who grew up at my house but now lives with my daughter) ate 3 oz. of dark chocolate overnight Friday night, and part of a pumpkin. Her heart rate was pretty high on Saturday morning but she just had a recheck this morning and she is fine. The vet said that was a lethal dose for a dog that size and can only guess that the pumpkin helped. She didn’t even get dehydrated.


Any tips on helping my dog learn to be less vocal when he plays? He’s 8 months old, and when we go to the dog park he loves to bark when trying to get a dog to play - not incessantly just like once or twice. He’s very happy, and I’m not worried about him fighting a dog, and some dogs handle it great and they go off playing, but some dogs/owners dislike it.

Not a dog person so not sure if this is a common thing / something that goes away with time?

The universal doggo language for wanting to play is a posture of butt in the air while the head and shoulders are down on the ground. If the play barking is accompanied by this behavior, I don’t think the vocalizations are a problem. A wagging tail is happy behavior.

What you want to look out for is barking with a straight out, non wagging tail. That is a threatening stance.

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this also made me smile.

seems like a sweet dog. just doesn’t see very well?

It warms my heart that my dog is good buddies with one of my cats. The other cat doesn’t like the dog much.


my dog’s standard walk route (which used to be my “dogs’ standard” before we lost Beckette last winter) used to be to “walk around charlie’s and marley’s house.”

Marley was a little terrier mix and he crossed the bridge a couple years ago. he was sweet and friendly to my little dogs.

Charlie has now also crossed. He was a 14 yr old golden and a very good boy. Always with a friendly bark hello from his fenced in yard. We were out walking and I saw him a week ago basking in the sun in his yard and he looked so comfortable. I went out of town M-F this week and heard he was gone. I give him a 12/10 rating.


Millie, a 1yo lab/pit bull mix, has joined the family. The cat is not amused.