DNGAF Friday

First latte of the season on the sbux patio!!! And Monday is Victoria Day, so I DNGAFlyinF what happens!!!

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Ugh, nobody is really bothering me for much right now, and the weather is so nice, zero fucks will be given today.

Except I need to go to the DMV and renew my tags today.


Ho hum, full day for me but Iā€™m off next week.

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Graduation is tonight at my school. My lab location has a couple ā€œ6 year seniorsā€ who finally made it! :grin:

Students get to choose which staff member hands them their diploma when their name is called. I have 4 this year!


That seems like an awful lot of work to coordinate either:

  • arranging for the ā€œwho hands them their diplomaā€ during alphabetical announcements of the graduates, or
  • reordering the graduates by ā€œwho hands them their diplomaā€ and then the audience is left wondering when little Tyler is going to be on stage and missing the big moment because they just stepped out for a quick smoke.

Donā€™t have enough Fs to cook, so weā€™re ordering Dominoā€™s tonight!!! :yum:

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Kind of the second one, actually. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m pissed though about why one of my 4 wasnā€™t there. I guess some delayed legal trouble from over a year ago flared up, and some judge decided to be a total doosh about it just because he has face tattoos. :rage: He was on track to graduate too. wtf (even his PO said that that was one of the worst hearings he had ever seen)


Not givinā€™ a royal F today. Not even a :rat: 's :peach:.

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About 30mins of Fs remaining, then Iā€™m hopping on a plane to Seattle

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Last Friday of the school year. Kids are happy. I got an early release from work, so Iā€™m happy too.


PTO - absolutely no business Fs today!


What to do today? Mebbe some CPDā€¦:thinking:

Executive decision for the day: :sushi: for dinner!!


I just found out all three kids will be at my sonā€™s momā€™s house tonight for a sleepover! And tomorrow night we have a date night and a hotel downtown. So Iā€™m off the parenting clock.


We lost power for a few hours this morning. Threw my whole day off so far, going to try rebooting at lunch, I have a small number of Fs I need to give today.


Just finished updating IBNR files for 6 LoBs. Just need to input data, May paid, and review on monday. I donā€™t wanna work anymore today


But, but, there are three more hours of May 31!!

Off tomorrow until next Friday. Leaving in another hour to travel to Indianapolis for some actuary fun.


Wait a minute, Indianapolis AND actuaries, and you didnā€™t tell us all about this until now???

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i have a time share in Muncieā€¦