Dentist courage

I just went to the dentist for the first time since the pandemic started AMA.


Eh probably not advisable to skip dental cleanings unless your gums are in perfect health but you can get away with these types of things in your youth

Did your dentist have anything remarkable to say?

Miraculously I didn’t have any cavities even though I have been regularly eating sugary things. But there’s a lot of buildup so I need to come back to do multiple cleanings this week.


I think this is the last thing I have been avoiding do to fears of dying from covid so I think I have successfully reintegrated into society.


Have you gone for Happy Hour yet???

Your dentist does a happy hour??!?

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Going to the dentist is more for gum health than cavity prevention

I got 3 cavities in high school but then I stopped drinking Gatorade (I drink plenty of water instead), no snacking between meals (this also helps me to stay pretty lean despite eating as much as I want during each meal), and brush/floss after every meal. No cavities since then and my dental cleanings are so pleasant now. My dentist just goes over each tooth briefly with the ultrasonic scaler and metal scraper Vs when I was a kid and my gums would be bleeding when I left the dentist after an 30 minute grind sesh

Going for regular cleanings as you have probably now realized is to remove the hardened plaque/calculus build up that brushing is unable to remove. It has to be cut away with steel instruments. Sounds like they are going to do one half or one quarter of your mouth at a time (scaling/planning?)

I take my dental health very seriously because if you read Reddit AMA’s with old people, their 3 regrets are usually as follows:

  1. Not spending more time with family
  2. Working too much/worrying about material things
  3. Not taking care of their teeth

Have you managed to avoid Covid these past 4 years?!

Did you eat a package of Oreos so the hygenist could spend extra time with you?


Oreos and Cheetos the night before, gargle with buttermilk the morning of dentist visit. Don’t brush night before and morning of.

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I did not understand that reference

"I won’t underwrite a dentist.

Never trust a man who will stick his fingers in another man’s mouth."


I thought it was ADA.


What about ass doctors?

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If you pulled that shit at my dentist’s office, he/she would have you brush your teeth before being seen.

I always brush my teeth & Scope out my mouth as close as possible to a dental visit just for breath freshiness.