Dance Thread

The song will dictate the dance - but any of waltz, tango, foxtrot, swing, cha cha, or rhumba.

Me to OddSox: “I’m checking out all the terrible GoA suggestions for our song - we’ve got Thunderstuck on 2 cellos and this one…”

turn computer screen towards him

OddSox: audible spit laugh “Yeah, I know that one.”


What style of swing are you learning? East, West, Lindy?

East coast.


I tried to pick songs that were on the slower side since you’re new-ish. If it’s too slow, triple-step it out rather than single-step. Both methods should be in your repertoire eventually, if you don’t currently use both. Faster songs will generally be single-step for East Coast. I highly recommend learning Lindy though, you can easily transition between East and Lindy and back again depending what the song is doing.

Also, here’s another rumba:

When you get your SAS code to work , you’ll do the happy-dance

…and a roomba:

which, if it cleaned your floors as well as advertised, would also lead one to dance for joy

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“Oye Como Va” was the song that my now dead cha-cha routine was based on. It was shaping up to be a real solid routine but yeah… that partner and me broke up.

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If I never hear “In the Mood” again I wouldn’t mind it :laughing: So many hours at workshops to that song. Sing Sing Sing is fun, but maybe a touch fast. Also a lot of the renditions of it are like 7 minutes long!

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“Shut Up and Dance”

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My wedding song :heart_eyes:

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@Tiffany, my wedding song!

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Piano is good too :).

I have some video footage of our upcoming “showcase” dance, but I haven’t decided if y’all get to see it. Maybe if I was like 10 pounds lighter. And wasn’t sweating profusely. And was wearing like any makeup at all. I’m not really trying to pick any of y’all up though. So maybe.

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