The thing is, in villages that far north, the ground never thaws. So a sewer system, septic tank or any kind of below ground waste disposal is out of the question. I’ll leave it to the reader’s imagination on how they deal with #2.
it was august and unseasonably warm. I went in the lake up to my knees at the beach. when else would i ever be in the water that far north? Bennett Beach was lovely that day!
Dung beetles in fur coats!
Whereas I would have guessed the opposite. City officials in DC are busy whereas in Barrow they’d probably love to help a kid with a school project.
Yeah, the bigger concern was just how long was it going to take the USPS to carry a letter from suburban Philly to Barrow, Alaska and back? The conclusion being it doesn’t matter if no one answers.
But yes, a small town is 100% going to respond to a request like that. It’s the sort of thing that makes being a part-time town volunteer (which is all a small town has) worthwhile.
I would think maybe a week in each direction. Plus however long it took them to respond to the request.
I guess it depends on how far back we’re talking about. Twenty years ago I’d say only 3-4 days in each direction. Sixty years ago maybe two weeks in each direction.
USPS is pretty efficient. Especially before the government tried to break them. A little less efficient now.
A good first hand account of homelessness
Wow, really glad I spent twenty minutes reading that. Very well written and honest.