COVID mortality


Nearly a reverse Cuomo

Well, the Cuomo thing was more about “location” of death, as opposed to cause of death.

What happened there is that nursing home residents would get COVID at their nursing homes, were sent to a hospital, and then die at the hospital. That would count as a hospital death.

Yeah I wanted to just call it a reverse Cuomo but then I read the press briefing and it didn’t fit so I packaged all that in the “Nearly” qualifier :tfh:

FWIW, it’s not clear to me this changes the CDC numbers. The CDC dashboards are based on death certificate info, and if Covid is not listed as the UCD (underlying cause of death) then they’re not part of the Covid count there.

sharing something stupid from a friend who should know better:

So he pulled out this graph:

And wrote:
“COVID19 isn’t over yet. Deaths have been rising for middle aged people.”

I assume all y’all can see what’s wrong with that interpretation.

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Yeah I saw this from the NYT, I feel like they can’t help but try and make the story pessimistic

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So then I pulled this (because they also talk racial disparities), and I think this is the best visualization in the whole piece:

I’m a bit skeptical on the -100% for young asians, but I’ll drop that for now.

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Rounding? 99.5%?
1000 young Asians died in December but up to 5 did in May?

Ugh. I saw that headline, but the article is worse than i thought.

I had a similar observation. I’ve been focusing on data from my state, but i observed that cases for kids used to be lower than those for young adults, and now are above those for most young adults.

But my claim isn’t, “oh noes, the kids are dying!”, Because very few kids are dying and cases are down for everyone. My claim is, “hey, those vaccines are really working! Other age cohorts are all doing even better than kids, now.”


The NYT has been mixed on their COVID coverage – some good, and some shit framing, like here.

I really don’t like that the “respectable” news sources are going for the clickbait strategies


How much should someone charge to keep this person from looking so stupid, by proofreading all things math prior to publication?
. ('cause the pause is important)
Asking for a friend.

I decided to video-comment:

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“Mortality with meep” sounds like a Dexter-type show

Nice video though

Did you relay this to the NYT? Or are you simply whingeing to us?

Somebody did it for me:

This was such a basic concept, I assumed at least one of the people who bothers to pay for the NYT would bitch at them.

As noted in my video, I’m not going to bother paying for the NYT now.

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I’m sure the nyt social media manager took that information directly to the senior editor.

“Oh, no, sir, we lost one!”
“Yeah, but 2000 other stupid eyes were glued to it, and clicked the ads!! I think we’ll keep ‘accidentally misleading’ the public, 'cause profits!”

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I know they’re going to do exactly zero about this. They’re not interested in respectability

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