
Puzzle #45

I guessed that subway was a fast food place, but didn’t know all the fast food places on the list.

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Puzzle #45

I’m mad about not getting purple right away. I knew the theme and missed Day. Green Day is one of my favorites.

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Puzzle #45

Puzzle #45

I guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t pay much attention to the NBA, lol. I stared at it for a minute once I was down to those last four and didn’t see the connection.

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Puzzle #45

I got the “fast food places” first try, but wasn’t confident, since I don’t call Outback fast food. So I expected it to be just “places to buy food” or similar

Even for someone who watches a fair bit of NBA, it didn’t make a lot of sense. Sure, you could refer to a player as a Sun, a King (a Golden State Warrior, a Laker etc.) but calling them a Magic or a Thunder doesn’t work. If they had pluralized Sun and King it would be more consistent but probably would have given it away.

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That’s fair.

Puzzle #45

What is the Stripes color?

White Stripes

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Same. Even after seeing it I was thinking they were names of individual players because I was thinking of Magic Johnson rather than the Orlando Magic. And I was like “wow, I really don’t know my NBA players any more” until it hit me like a ton of bricks that duh… those are team names. Any player on the Phoenix Suns is a Sun. It doesn’t mean that there’s a player with the given name “Sun”. :woman_facepalming:

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I had to guess on that one, but it seemed more likely than the other four choices that it was narrowed down to.

Puzzle #45

Oh! I didn’t get that at all. I was just confused.

Puzzle #45

Sacramento Kings
Orlando Magic
Phoenix Suns
Oklahoma City Thunder

Are all NBA teams. OKC Thunder used to be the Seattle Supersonics. :sob:

Puzzle #45

My understanding is that in baseball it would be correct to say “Kenley Jansen is a Red Sox”, just as you would say Shohei Ohtani is an Angel”.

So I made the leap that in basketball one would say “Paulo Banchero is a Magic” but I’m admittedly not certain if that’s correct.

Of course in any sport amateurs and professionals alike can avoid the issue by saying “a member of ____”. But I think “a Red Sox” or “a Magic” is correct.

Is it possible that they would say "“Kenley Jansen is a Red Sock”?

NBA is unlike MLB/NFL in that there are a number of team names that can’t be singularized (is that a word?). There may be some who refer to someone as “a Magic” but more common would be “a Magic player”. If it can be singularized, they will often omit “player”, as in “Larry Bird is a lifelong Celtic”.

I believe “a Red Sock” is wrong when referring to a member of the Boston Red Sox. I’m sure it’s said though. I agree that more often than not the issue is avoided by rephrasing so you can say “the Magic” or “the Red Sox”.