
YGP and B on reveal (never heard of a bolster, but I’ve eaten one with tubter and melon (before I was kosher)

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #141

Initial thought of a “corner kick” for B but then realized they were looking for openers. Never heard of an “elbow” on a basketball court and never watched Ted Lasso, but I’ve never met anyone with the name of Elbow before so it was easy to guess.

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Puzzle #611

I didn’t see the purple connection even when i had it down to 4. On the other hand, my husband does yoga, and i saw those right away. Bolster is a little iffy, but seemed close enough.

I don’t know why, but hub and night cased the conn to come to mind quickly

Puzzle #611

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #141

Puzzle #611

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #141
Time: 00:35

Puzzle #611

OTOHi got the purple connection on my own, but not the blue before reveal. Don’t think my wife saw blue either, but maybe she just didn’t see my text asking about it

Neither hubcaps nor nightcaps are things i ever interact with or think about.

Puzzle #612

Puzzle #612

Didn’t get blue, AND didn’t occur to me at first, even though I thought SKATE was a lame addition to SHAKE RATTLE ROLL.

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Puzzle #612

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #142

knew what green was, just not all the teams

Puzzle #612

Thanks to wife for purple, but even she couldn’t get blue connection before reveal

Got 3 wrong guesses but eventually got them in order. Shake Rattle and Roll was easy to see because they were all on the top row. So I initially assumed that was their red herring. Was looking for an eponym/brand name theme

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #142

Too young to remember the Golden Seals but guessed right. When I saw that it was P I tried for the reverse, surprised that MN teams weren’t in the B category.

Puzzle #612
Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #142
Time: 01:43

Puzzle #612

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #142

Puzzle #612

Probably should have gotten blue. Never would have gotten purple.

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Wow, that is a classic rock and roll tune from the early days, covered by lots of famous artists. But if your parents didn’t listen to that kind of music, it might be harder for you to connect.

Puzzle #612

Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #142
Time: 00:56

Puzzle #613

My 5th grade English teacher had a thing for what she referred to as “helping verbs”. I never heard of them as modal verbs. At the beginning of the year, she said we wouldn’t pass unless we could recite all 23 of them in front of the class, which in retrospect seems totally weird. It was her big thing. Is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, shall, will, should, would, may, might, must, can, could. Hmm. Maybe there were only 20?

Puzzle #613
Connections: Sports Edition
Puzzle #143
Time: 01:11