Commitment to America

Well the baby’s DNA certainly would, but I assume DNA could also be obtained from an aborted fetus, no?

This looks like something the dems put out and was laughed at.

I think there are risks… that’s what i remember from down syndrome screenings 15 years ago. They don’t want to just poke in a needle unless justified. So they went off less invasive markers.

In the context of discussing abortion after rape, I thought it was clear that I was talking about an aborted fetus, but I will edit my post to clarify.

IANAD, but I don’t think there’s much risk to the mother of getting the father’s DNA from the fetus post-abortion.

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Well, I guess it’s not the father’s DNA… but the aborted fetus’s DNA would potentially help identify the father / rapist.

If you had a better platform you could. There is a shrinking minority of the country that supports this stuff.

I have to be fair and say there’s some things, like access to guns, and lowering taxes is arguably freedom-adjacent. Strong military (which kind of tramples on foreign rights but they’re not us.)

Nearly everything else I can think of though, yeah. It’s either status quo or reducing rights in almost all cases. There was a book burning not far from me recently. Apparently there was a list of books circulating with gay themes in some libraries. I’d never heard of any before. Now I have!

I wish GOP could come back from extremes on certain issues. Like can we accept that climate change is real, even if our message is ‘we dont care for now’ thats fine, but to outright deny it is just dumb.

And the social issues emotionally driven by religion are just ridiculous.

I haven’t voted for a R since 08’. I need to be able to sleep at night.


I think most in the GOP accept that climate change is real. Most however believe that it is just due to the fact that the climate changes randomly and human activity has little to do with it.

this is the part that makes me face palm. Carbon emissions = climate change somehow became a far left talking point?

obsession with ‘own de libs’ really backed us into a corner on this one.

I want a GOP leader to come out and say ‘climate change is a result of carbon emissions. however, we are unwilling to inflect economic pain in the short term in order to reduce longer term volatility in climate conditions. Eventually the climate will change and we can just hope that it will impact poorer nations first and then when the need is strong enough, and no longer politically inconvenient, we can divert resources to adapt’


Romney wasn’t so terrible. He’s the last Republican I voted for for POTUS though.

I think early on, like in the 80’s? 90’s, it was driven by Koch Brothers types choosing to dodge reality. Then folks didn’t want to admit they were wrong, even though it became more and more obvious every year.

Now, however, I’d say the Ds have built a coalition around education (grads, professors, scientists, journalists, techies, etc.) and Rs have the opposing coalition. So it just makes sense for them to abandon reason further. You and Twig are part of the new D coalition.

I was OK with Romney. But didnt feel strongly enough to vote in the election. I would take either candidate from 2008 or 2012 over any candidate that ran in 16/20.

Im not really part of the D coalition, I just stopped voting in general. I had a bad experience in 2016, being blasted by both sides for months in front of the election.


After the 15 round match stretching late into the night, this seems like a good time to bump this thread.

One might question their commitment, given that the OP link now gets a 404 error.



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I noticed that too. I’m glad I have a non-linked version of the CtA a few posts into this thread.

Probably took it down since it is clear they had no intention in keeping the most meaningless of “promises” they made to their sheeps.

Interesting NY Times story on how a mayor’s decision to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before council meetings almost tore apart his town.

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Lol I forgot all about this thread, visited the main link again and found this:

Reminds me of that saying, " If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole."