Codenames! Round 2a, the rematch

Doo be doo be doo

Drill is a blue word

Guess again or pass (n+1 guess)

pass, we are at (num_guesses = num_clues) still

Red is at bat

Wrestling, 3

nice work team

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For wrestling I could see Ring (wrestling ring), Tap (tap out), and Fall (you fall while you wrestle?)

I agree with Ring and Tap.

Fall also seems to work.

Official Guesses: Ring, and if that works, then Tap

He also might have given us 1 extra number to guess the missing word from Sherwood, but hopefully not since we get an extra guess each round.

Ring is a red word

Tap is a red word

Guess again or pass?

Will probably wait for @snake to weigh in before guessing a third word. Unless you want to go for it @snoo.

I like fall. That is reasonable.

After further thought and my very well thought out bridge logic was shown to have a fatal flaw, I think London might be the other Sherwood. You know, both in England sort of thing.

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I say go for it then.

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Okay, our next guess is Fall.

Fall is a red word

Guess again (with the +1) or pass?

Do we get greedy and go for London, or take the victory and pass?

Decisions, decisions… take the victory and pass and keep London in our back pocket?