Yeah nothing else fits.
I’d vote we try and guess again, But don’t want to railroad it.
@BruteForce @soyleche @Snake
Bug, Paste, Eagle. Rank them?
Mine is 1. Bug, 2. Eagle, 3. paste
is a red word.
Guess again (+1) or pass.
I agree on your order.
If I’m reading the 2nd post correctly, the current score (assuming Bugle is correct) is Red: 6, Blue 3. Blue probably has a couple of gimmes from their last clue, but we only have 3 more words to go.
I’m fine guessing again.
I agree with MA.
@Tiffany :notsureif:
Shhh, I’m trying to get them to guess our answers.
@MayanActuary, I say if no one else chimes in from our team we just go for Bug.
Okay. I’ll give it another 30 mins or so at least
You’re more patient than me. I was going to say 5 minutes
Ha okay go for it if you want to.
Tiffany might not be too far off with her heckle. A lot of modern mining uses water and just sprays away the soil which is then filtered for whatever metal or mineral is being mined. Very destructive.
I’m okay with a pass.
We’re ahead, so I’m fine going either way.
I changed my mind, I think we should guess. Blue team only has 5 more words, but they might be able to get a lot of them this next round since they didn’t get any of the words from their last clue.
Bug @Lucy
Either spymaster can tell us if that’s right or not as well, if Lucy is unavailable.
Bug is a red word.