Codename! Round 3

Thought somebody would have done this by now.



Loch Ness

I’ll hold off on the third.

Can you explain why? I don’t really see the connection

Most pastes (except maybe the glue kind) are made using water. Take dry stuff, add water, get paste.

Ice is a red word
Loch Ness is a red word

Pass or guess again?

Note: I don’t think paste is a particularly good option, but it’s the best of those available IMO. I would be perfectly happy with either berry or bug too if those are more palatable.

Is Beijing surrounded by water? Just wanting to check since we can’t google.

I don’t see an obvious third. I’m fine passing or guessing one of those proposed (paste/berry/bug)

I’m fine passing if you guys want to be cautious, or if someone is confident enough in a word that they want to go for it I’m good with that too.


we’re still ahead and can use an extra guess next time if the other team does really well this round

Blockchain, 3

I’m thinking that there’s an overlap here with the prior clue (Monetary)–one word left unguessed.

I’m thinking that the following would be applicable for the current clue (with the overlaps asterisk’d–more asterisks, stronger my feels):

  • Code
  • Beijing*
  • Lawyer
  • Pin (as in, PIN needed to access a block-chain account)**

I like Code and PIN. I don’t know much about Beijing so deferring that to others.

I think we should start with Pin and assume that this is an overlap (i.e., this is the 4th for the first clue).

Then guess Code.

Thoughts @IPD @Rastiln ?

Apologies, this never showed up with an unread for some reason! Getting caught up.

@S.Morgenstern With 3/4 agreement I’ll guess PIN then Code.

I favor passing on the last.

@Lucy Missed tagging you and I’m not sure if edits give alerts.

Adding an @ID in any posts (included edited ones) will generate a notification to the ID (unless they have the thread muted).

Doh! Just realized I Red, not blue!

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Oh geez, “mine”. Thanks Red team :wink: I assume we’ll answer that if I didn’t just mess it up.

Too late @Snake, I saw!


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