Celebrities you think are ugly?

is there anyone that’s way too young

Find “Atlantic City” and watch it with a glass of lemonade, and thank me later.

I thought her role was supposed to be a “cougar” who had been around the block bases a few times. Seemed like good casting to me. :woman_shrugging:

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Sydney Sweeney (although she too is older than you might think she is 24)

I’ve seen the movie 20 or more times. I think the implication is that she may be a “cougar” to the younger ball players like Nuke, but she is an appropriate match to the older, veteran Crash who’s at the end of his playing career. In fact, she is a cougar to him too,

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She’s awesome in Euphoria. Giant jugs. Yeah all the girls in that show look pretty young, young enough that I’d believe they’re around 16-18, which is interesting cause they show their tits every other episode.

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I only watched a few episodes, but I thought Alexis was the “pretty girl” and Stevie understatedly cute. Wouldn’t call either of them unattractive. I’d surely get along better with Stevie.

Donald Trump has a great sense for business too, but that doesn’t make him pretty.

Oh my goodness, she is one of the most attractive women anywhere to me. I love her look and her vivid facial expressions.

I agree. Kim is actually just pretty…fake or not

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NSFW Lyrics:

Agree with this post. The point that Stevie was competent but not making that much of her life because she did not take anything that seriously hit a little close to home though…

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I’m going to guess that hubby thinks Kevin James is a “good looking guy” . . .

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britney spears


Godney Spears

did i say something wrong?


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ok i take it back. She’s not ugly. She’s plain

apparently Kevin James is incredible in the ring (according to Joe Rogan)

A lot of people in this thread are wrong.

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