CAS procedures re: Pearson Centers - Fall 2020

Oh I see, best of luck on the 9th then!

I did this morning! Really thought the Pearson Environment was super awesome. They let me start at 7:30am since I was early. Otherwise, definitely agree the exam was challenging and fair. Could have put more time in, but feeling like a 7 (assuming I didn’t misread anything completely).

Glad to hear it went well! Yeah, I was making sure to read everything multiple times so the wording wouldn’t trip me up. Definitely 2018 had some tricky wording on it.

Thanks, I’m just ready to get it over with! Doubling up really sucks, but covid made it bareable.

Looks like pearsonvue is beginning to reschedule exams. My email said I was rescheduled to 30 days out, which seems to be that standard for everyone. They also changed my testing center to a placeholder location. When I try to change the location, I realized there are literally no openings to take the exam anywhere in the country. My guess is that they’re gonna cancel exams again

That essentially means your exam is cancelled, based on my experience. I got that email and then a few days later the CAS sent me an email saying my testing center was shut down. What annoys me is the lack of transparency regarding the status of Pearson test centres and when/if they will reopen.

What state are you in? Hopefully they won’t do something as extreme as an outright shutdown.

I’m on the west coast, but I know Illinois also is having their exams “rescheduled”

Considering the rescheduling, and potential cancellations, what does that mean for people who have already taken it?

I know what’s logical (to grade those and that’s it), but I just have trouble believing the CAS will do the logical thing.

Doubt they’ll cancel the sitting entirely considering not every state is shut down.

The CAS needs to announce the 2021 exam dates!!!


Yeah I’m 99% sure they’ll still grade the exams for people who get to sit. They definitely wouldn’t cancel the whole sitting once some people had taken it.

I’m pretty sure theyll grade what they get. Wonder what happens if someone gets COVID while taking a CAS exam…

My fiancee got her test results back 2 hours after I sat and she tested positive for covid. I’m completely asymptomatic…

So we know there are people that are testing for these exams even though they have COVID

Well she had a very mild cold the week prior and had to get tested for work. Neither of us thought she actually had covid.

But honestly the way Pearson was socially distanced and sanitizing everything I find it highly likely that I didn’t give it to anyone when I was there.

fair enough. i sure hope i dont catch it sitting for my exam

I imagine it’s pretty unlikely unless someone isn’t following the mask/sanitizer/social distancing protocol. But who knows. Personally I’d gladly expose myself to get to sit if the alternative is not sitting at all. But it’s easy for me to say that since I’m healthy and in my 20s.

Which testing center did you go to? Asking for a friend. Joking aside, I mean look at work. We have had what, 3 cases of potential COVID exposure in like a week?