Canada <> US

In-laws brought me some proper Smarties from England just the other day :heart:

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Wait what? They call rockets smarties? What even.

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I used to love stopping at the Irish shop as a kid to get English candy, like a curly wurly.

America has some good candy too though (twix anyone?). That said doesn’t Mars own all of it anyway?

We have Twix in Canada…

I probably would have put the quotation marks on the American “Smarties” myself.

I meant more like it’s US candy vs non-US candy. We have british smarties here too if you go to the right shop.

That said I just looked up twix and it turns out to be non-US…

Are those basically M&Ms?

Similar, but smaller and sugaryer (and less chocolatey) from what I remember, but that might just be because of the volume:surface area difference

Do they not have real smarties in the US? Wow, that’s startling. Seriously, I thought they ere ubiquitous.
I know they don’t have Mcintosh toffee in the US. That’s unfortunate.


I dunno about ketchup flavored chips

Man I really needed this list when MIL asked me what Canadian things I wanted her to bring me back from the UK. Caramilk. Caramilk was the answer.

It’s too late, you’re one of us now :us:

Jokes on you, I just ordered a 4 pack off of Amazon wooooooo.

Next you’ll be driving round in a pickup flying a non-:us: flag

Dammit, Dan!!! Try them!!! :yum:

And try All Dressed too!!! So goooooooooood!!! :drooling_face: :yum:


Clearly if the good lord had intended for potatoes to be infused with ketchup he would have designed them as such!


This hits home. (Not me personally…but I see it every day).

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Those :canada: just refuse to integrate amirite

You mean a MAGA flag?

:duck: :tomato:

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