Building Resilience

I think being in a team sport helps with that. There is some social pressure that increases your desire to win. Join a team where you don’t know anybody. I know that’s tough for the majority of people on this forum :slight_smile:

Getting picked last in sports helps build resilience for sure, and depression

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that might be too much resilience :grimacing:

We went bowling this weekend.

I bowled shitty.

This. I joined a competitive Ultimate Frisbee team. Never played before. I was 20-25 years older than most of them. Not in great shape. Knew no one in the league as the guy who got me into it bailed before the season started. Played two years before giving up. Very humbling.

I used to bowl with my dad (who has several 300 games and a couple rings from doing it in tournaments before it became once per lifetime awards). My best was a 220. I bowled a few years ago with my kids and barely broke 100. I don’t know if I would want to bowl that poorly as a regular occurrence.

I think the highest I’ve ever bowled is a 92

I got really into bowling in college, got pretty good! Not 300 good, but upper 100’s good. Now I’m lucky to hit 130.

the highest i have on record bowling was 160, the first season i did zogs sports bowling in February, 2015. I had a good 2 games that day at 153 and then 160. I went on to do a bunch more seasons of zogs bowling, but never repeated that score. I also did bowling gym in high school, and might have scored that high. I don’t remember.

My bowling record is all over the place though. If I hit 100, I’m happy generally. A certain exact threshold of alcohol in me can make for a better score. Too much alcohol and I suck.

I am currently dealing with a bad internal customer at work. We do a lot of work for our Group Medicare and Commercial customer facing folks. Of course we have to use external files from competing insurance companies and the data is obviously generally a bunch of garbage. When we miss something on the cleanup the new boss of the old team keeps sending stuff over to our VP instead of working like a partner. It’s really frustrating and I have absolutely no idea how to work with this person or trust them at this point.

Call him out.

Seniority and tenure means jack shit in the new age where senior management can often be dominated by millenials. If someone is defective, they get tossed by HR.

I think I could really build resilience if i could finally get my badge for flagging posts. i flagged at least 3 now and NO BADGE. WHAT’S THE HOLD UP HERE?

why would you get badge for flagging? moral hazard imo

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idk, but these 15 people got one

First Flag - GoActuary

work on your resilience! you like to stir things up when the dusts have already settled.

it wasn’t me, if that’s what you’re suggesting.

lol no. i wasn’t suggesting you at all.

Gotta get that sweet, sweet badge.

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