Bridge: Up for a challenge?

WTF? 2S promised diamond support. I thought 4D said I wanted to play diamonds. And now 5D would be a cue bid???

No, WTF? 4D didn’t say I wanted to play diamonds, even though he had promised support? Was I supposed to jump to 5D to play diamonds? Notes didn’t even say we were in a forcing sequence (and I was hoping to play 4D). Fortunately I passed 5C rather than making a cue bid. Heart ace was onside and diamonds 3-2 so it made.

Toby and I just played a 1hr flighted event on BBO. We got the top score and 0.82 seemed like a dismal award. Evidently our combined 19,000 masterpoints only put us in Flight B on Christmas evening!

That seems ridiculously low. Doesn’t a section top in flight B in a club game usually pay more than .82? How many flight B pairs were there?

As far as I can tell, we got 0.82 for 1st in a section of 17 pairs. The C flight paid the same!
But 1st overall in A was 2.40, I’ve always been in A in the past (with maybe 15,000 total points) and hit the overalls many times.

I tried looking at our club results, and it was very inconclusive. I look at several games of 13 or more tables, so that there were section awards NS and section awards EW. Always 1st in B in the section got over 1 point, but in the games I looked at I could never be sure why. Often the B section award at least qualified for an A section award, so I didn’t know whether the award was for the B result or A result. Also, since there were only 2 sections, the B winner each direction was almost always in B overalls (obviously, only 1 could be 1st overall in B, barring ties.) So no way I could tell whether there points were for the B section top or the B overall.

Still, there must be many clubs with demographics like ours, so if you played and got a B section top you would almost surely end up with more than 1 point for the day. At our club, the upper limit for B is almost always under 3000 points average, sometimes under 2000 average.

oirg wins the regular challenge with +17.50, by 14.50. I win the declare-only with 56.25%, by 1.56%.

I win the regular challenge with +9.16, by 6.74

First Mon-Wed each Month, so Jan 2025 is 6-8 (i.e., now)

I win the regular challenge with +20.50, by 1.50

NN wins the low-scoring regular challenge with +5.00, by 3.00


How can 2S here show 15+ HCP and 5+ spades? Wouldn’t I have overcalled 1S with that?

NN and I each bid 1S here, then after P-P-2C, we each rebid 2S, even though notes said it showed 5. (But notes said double then would show biddable clubs, so 2S seemed th best choice.)

I made 2S, for +5 when he was down 1, but I still lost the match by 15.

AA wins the regular challenge with +6.00, by 0.25