Brag about your kids thread

I would have burst with pride over that! I expect you did as well.

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Indeed. Wife and I glanced at each other with a knowing smile…yeah, that’s right-that’s our daughter :smiley:


5yo had first dance recital, or any public performance of any kind. I was convinced she’d flee with stagefright given her normal reaction to attention, and we’d have wasted money completely, but she did great!

Given recent developments in song lyric pickingupedness, hopefully I can push voice lessons on her at some point. Zero interest in sports, which baffles spouse and I. Neither of us can remember a time we weren’t competitive af.


Third high school graduate over the weekend! Three down, one to go (two more years).


Mini T-2 just graduated college (UW - La Crosse) this weekend
Still has two DIII 100M Hurdle races to comete in (One in Illinois this week, one in Myrtle Beach next week). Then she’s on her way to Univ of Lynchburg the following week for Grad School.


Our 18-year old grandson is on the autism spectrum, graduated from regular public high school last weekend. He managed a smile. We attended - and cheered! :smiley:


State testing results are rolling in.

Foster son (5th grade) got “accelerated” in math and science - he was behind grade level when he came to us a year ago. Reading results are still pending and I am not sure how he will do on that, it’s been his biggest struggle for years, but he continues to make strides and tries hard.

Youngest son (3rd grade) got “advanced” in math. It isn’t his strongest subject, reading is, and he had a disappointing mid year assessment in math. He’s super proud of himself. And, bonus, now that all the testing and assessments for the year are done, his tics are way down.


Congratulations… proud Mama!!!


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No wonder you were doing 300-200-100 workouts

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree eh

Congrats to her

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To round out her undergraduate musical career, 22yo was the last performer of a five-performer organ recital.

Before I go on, however, I’m going to brag about someone else’s kid. He’s a 10-year-old pianist and has won numerous awards-3rd place at the concert artist’s international competition & 2nd place at the Charleston International Music competition. He played prelude in D minor (bwv 926) & invention no. 13 in A minor. The little dude even played a few pedal tones.

Now on to my daughter…she had the opportunity to take organ lessons starting about a year ago and asked for my advice. I told her, essentially, you’re busy enough as it is, I don’t recommend that you add another obligation because learning the organ requires a significant time commitment. However, now is the best time of your life to learn organ because you have all of these resources available to you and as soon as you leave college, you won’t , so I do recommend you give it a shot.

She took my second advice.

Tonight she played…

  • Adoration; Florence B. Price
  • Prélude, Fugue et Variation, Op.18; César Franck
  • Postlude on “Old Hundreth”; Fred Bock

In case you’re interested…
It’s 20 minutes long.
The second piece begins ~4:15 and lasts until ~17:26.

imo, the tempo is a little too slow and the music doesn’t quite flow like I’ve heard it before , but it was certainly quite the undertaking.

The final piece starts about 17:45 and is, imo, pretty awesome, especially if you like the old hundredth tune.


any chance you’d be willing to post that to YouTube? I get the message from BookFace that the video isn’t available.

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8-year old grandson (autism spectrum): “Why did the dinosaur cross the road?”

“Because there were no chickens yet.” :smiley:


I changed the privacy settings so it’s now available to the masses

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Thanks, was wondering about that.

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Foster son was at a 1st grade reading and math level in 3rd grade, and at a 2nd grade level in 4th grade. He started the year at a 3rd grade reading level, and ended the year on grade level (5th). He also ended the year at a 6th grade math level.

Really proud of his effort this last year.


Not going to brag on my kids, just not my style.
But my nephew, starting SS on his BB team, which my brother brags about, is valedictorian this year. Which my brother neglected to tell me (learned about it third-hand).

(]Need a shitting on my brother thread…)


Reminds me of my wife about 30 years ago. Just before I went off to the office that day she told me she was going to the afternoon graduating class ceremonies at our local school. She failed to mention that our son was going to be the valedictorian so I missed his speech.

Over the years many people told me what a great job my son did and all I could do was mumble about not being there. It came up again yesterday (!) so that is why your comment triggered this reply.




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You… didn’t know your son was graduating? Seems like this is an oversight on your part, not hers.