BIH Thread

That’s some sleuthing right thar!!

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The wiki solely on his controversies is a novel. That dude is going to burn in hell.

It’s fiction?
Perhaps it is a “tome.” Or, “saga.”

\small \color{red}\textbf{P}\color{#217ccc}\textsf{at}
\small \color{orange} {\textbf{R}}\color{#ca519d}\textsf{obertson}
\small \color{#d5c500}{\textbf{I}}\color{#217ccc}\textsf{s}
\small \color{green}{\textbf{D}}\color{#ca519d}\textsf{ead}
\small \color{blue}{\textbf{E}}\color{#217ccc}\textsf{verybody!}



(i stole the idea.)

re: Unabomber

I remember when that shit was going down, and at various math depts I visited they had warning signs posted about suspicious packages and what to look for.

I mean, dude was schizophrenic. So it’s hard to really go for culpability given how disordered his thinking obviously was.

And he had some help pushing him over the edge

I’m glad he was locked up and prevented from killing more people, but i mostly feel sorry for him. I hope he found peace before he died.

That’s interesting although it doesn’t really say what they did in the experiment. I’m curious.

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and ID’d by his brother who recognized his rants

Yeah interesting article but seems more speculative than a real accusation.

Some description here. Doesn’t seem that bad by 1960’s standards.

Of course, the unabomber doesn’t seem that bad of a terrorist/murderer by 21st century standards.

His brother negotiated to get him life in prison, rather than the death penalty. Turning your brother in must weigh on your soul.

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So would not turning him in


Look, seems to me he was schizophrenic. I suppose psychological experiments might tip one over into that, or into specific actions if one were schizophrenic (most paranoid schizophrenics, after all, do not go around bombing people.)

  • Across studies that use household-based survey samples, clinical diagnostic interviews, and medical records, estimates of the prevalence of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in the U.S. range between 0.25% and 0.64%.3,4,5
  • Estimates of the international prevalence of schizophrenia among non-institutionalized persons is 0.33% to 0.75%.6,7

So, we’re talking roughly 1 million people out of a population of 330 million. Most are in a precarious situation and likely to die very young…

And if one of my family members were sending bombs to people, whether or not my relative were mentally ill, I’d absolutely narc on them. It would not weigh on my soul one whit. I would want to protect people from my relative.

I would feel sad that I had a relative that had been bombing people, but I wouldn’t feel sad that I had to turn them in.

Kaczynski retreated to his cabin in the woods in 1971. At that time, the available drugs for treatment of schizophrenia weren’t that effective and produced nasty side effects. Thorazine/chlorpromazine was the main drug of choice. Perhaps if he were born 25 years later he would have been treated with more effective medication.

Berlusconi has died.

Proto Trump, I am not crying about this.


Henry Kissinger has died at 100

Henry Kissinger, who held huge sway in international affairs as both secretary of state and a presidential adviser, has died


Funkingded posted this in the other thread. This is the obit Kissinger deserves: