Biden's "Crisis" at the US-Mexico Border

That can’t be true. They say caravans don’t exist.

Caravans have always existed and will continue to do so as long as conditions is Central American suck enough for people to pull up stakes and look for a better life.

The timing of the coverage of caravans on the other had seems to have a lot to do with political expediency.

I haven’t noticed any caravans of migrants coming from other countries where conditions suck, oh say; Myanmar (Burma), Sudan, Yemen, just for a few starter examples. Perhaps the issue isn’t so much that the conditions in those Central America suck (conditions suck all over the world - I’m sure you’re not advocating for a worldwide nation building crusade) as much as it is that the US’s southern border is porous and provides an attractive escape from conditions that suck…

Kind of tough to walk across the Pacific Ocean but ok.


kind of tough to nation build but ok

I’m not advocating military intervention in Central America if that’s what you’re implying.

But I am all for increasing economic aid to those countries.

Do you think that more aid is the best solution, or the current aid level is sufficient but the level of corruption is the issue. Will there be more/less corruption if the US increases the level of aid given to those countries?

I think the level of aid and amount of corruption are both problems.

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Unless you think the level of corruption will go down if the US increases the amount of economic aid given to those countries, it would seem like you’re in a no-win situation.

Trump reduced the aid for a while, that is when we started hearing about all the caravans during the mid terms.

There is fraud in Medicare too, I’m not for abolishing Medicare.

I don’t know how to structure the exact details but I suspect there are a lot of way to provide economic aid that don’t involve directly handing cash to corrupt officials in foreign countries.


Let me quote somebody:

well now I’m officially puzzled by your responses. You say caravans have always existed, but only are publicized for political expediency - but then you talk about caravan coverage when Trump cuts funding. What caused the caravans?

And are you for increasing economic aid to all countries where conditions suck, just ones where Trump cut funding, or ones close enough where migrants can easily cross the porous southern border?

I’ll jump in here.

I’m for reapportioning our budget, moving defense allocations to the state department. Let’s do more diplomacy and less hard power. Then let’s listen to where the career diplomats recommend on where and how to send any aid

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I’m for increased economic global aid in general. I think it’s dollars much better spent that military intervention.

That said, I’m all for increasing aid to our closest neighbors ahead of say countries over seas in Africa and Asia as recsourses are not unlimited.

I’m not sure what you don’t understand, caravans of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America have been coming to the US as long as I can recall, at least back to my days in college back in the 80s, probably before as there was the great Reagan Amenisty and those came here somehow, probably some by caravan.

I’m saying they get publicized by the News when they want to distract from something else. In Fox case when a Republican was in office they tended to get publiczied when they wanted to pull attention from something stupid the president had done, when Democrat was in office they seemed to be publicized more when there was some recent Democratic “victory”.

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Not coming to the US, but certainly going somewhere.

I think if you do a casual google search you may find similar caravans from the Sudan, Somalia, Syria and a number of other countries in recent years/decades.

Wait, people seek to find ways to move from shitty areas to non-shitty areas to improve their lives and the lives of their kids? That’s … surprising. Maybe we can fix this problem of people wanting to come from Mexico and Central America to the United States by making it really shitty for everyone to be here.


Yes, let’s listen to career diplomats and send money to wherever they say.

Careful, I’ve heard saying that is racist.

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Did you get permission from the DNC to publish their mission statement without acknowledging their Trademark?