
I was under the impression that wage gains were the underlying cause in the drop in productivity.

It’s these lazy millennials “working” from home instead of being super productive in offices like they belong!


Perhaps you have a few examples of this you can share.

US might even not enter a recession at this rate.

You guys are actually in a really good economic position at this stage of the economic cycle.

Darn it, now you jinxed it. :laughing:

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This is concerning though: Federal Reserve / FOMC Watch - #52 by ArthurItas

Thats to be expected as you likely have a lot of Zombie companies now that are simply not viable.

Far too many of them were being propped up by cheap debt and public subsidies.

It’s pretty close to the only reason GHWB was voted out, IMO. If the economy was doing well I don’t think Perot would have made such inroads.

Read my lips, “no new taxes”, right?

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Bush might have still won if Perot didn’t take a big bite out of the GOP vote. Granted, perhaps Perot wouldn’t have run if the economy was humming.

The President hit the one big soundbite: read my lips

The other one was Perot and the giant sucking sound.


:laughing: this gave me a chuckle

People are saying this though!!!

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It’s like trickle-down economics that way.

I don’t think you understand economics very well.

A bit OT:

Do conservative folks (I assume with a reasonable education) actually believe this stuff in the US?

My impression of the oil/gas mining regulations are that they would cost more, but from an environmental standpoint I still favor them.

A well known issue with capitalism: externalities. Gotta regulate the markets, or else there is no magic hand.

If anything, the US has gone too far. Market concentrations in so many arenas are killing competitive forces. And how about this stock buy backs. Sinking billions into those, and often with debt. No economic value at all. Simply done to manipulate stock prices and avoid taxes.


Just to be clear, you mean the US should have more (or more effective) regulations? If so I agree. We have been moving toward what is effectively an oligarchy for many years now.

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The US earnings are dominated by financial transactions. Repackaging mortgages, car leases, and anything that has cash flow really. That’s all fine and adds a ton of liquidity. It creates more debt instruments to invest in. Kewl,kewl

But it also disconnects the ultimate risk bearing investor from the borrower and all the intermediaries don’t really care. Their income is transactions, not ultimate success of the underlying assets. This is pretty recent, and we need to use different tools and controls on this. All this debt creation seems to know no limits.(a by product of wealth inequalty.the donor class isn’t able to spend it all, so they buy stuff with expected returns.) with a seemingly endless supply and a corresponding endless demand…where does it all end?

A primary argument for private investment is that the capital gets better allocated than any other means. That is no longer so obviously true. Rules and regulations are going to have to evolve to handle this.


This is something I’ve been saying for a while. Every time I try to discuss the topic someone trots out the basic Econ 101 idea of efficient allocation of capital and I just have to shake my head. If only the actual world we’re that simple.

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