Biden says US will defend Taiwan

What sayeth the GoA pundits on Speaker Pelosi’s “possible” trip to Taiwan?

What could be her reasons for making such a trip?

It seems to be poking a bear with a stick, and probably right before mid-term elections. The longer this game of chicken goes on, the harder it seems to back down, for both sides. And now it seems the USS Reagan and its strike group have left port in Singapore and are headed for the South China Sea.

I thought republicans liked poking the bear.

Are we still talking about Pelosi visiting Taiwan, or something else?

I don’t think the Chinese have any interest in “backing down”. They intend to occupy and rule Taiwan, just like they did for Hong Kong.

still the same thing.
I agree that this trip serves no purpose but to invoke.

Do you agree that this is a good trip then?

I think you mean Neocons. The trick most don’t realize is that many Democrats are actually Neocons as the US government has become infested with them over the years. It may actually be true now that Democrats have more Neocons among their ranks than Republicans as the Tea Party / Trumpist / Insurrectionist schism is decidedly not neocon.

Eh, pretty sure Trump/sters called China and Xi a bunch of names

Pelosi has already visited Singapore and Malaysia. She has scheduled stops in South Korea and Japan.

Does she plan to sneak into Taiwan and announce it after she has left? It’s not like the CCP doesn’t have spies crawling over over Taiwan and are unable to track a plane (although MH370 is still missing). Or does she come up with some excuse (COVID, ran out of time, constituents back home…) and just skip Taiwan.

It wouldn’t be much of a secret.
According to Taiwanese news, they’re expecting her. She might not stay overnight though.

Also, Taiwanese are indifferent about this. Only people outside of Taiwan cares.

Interesting, thanks for the Taiwanese point of view.

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Not sure if this will work or not. Pelosi’s opinion piece in the Washington Post about her visit.

There’s been some talk of China’s military exercises progressing into a full blown military blockade of Taiwan. The situation seems a bit unclear currently.

If they blocade, I wonder if they will allow the micro chips that they need to get through.

I follow a Taiwan news site on FB and there was a story yesterday about a lot of commercial airline flights being cancelled and they said it wasn’t because of weather but wouldn’t say why. Of course, this is why, the government just doesn’t want to admit it.

China sanctions Nancy Pelosi and immediate family, and says the US can’t “treat other countries like George Floyd.”

Lol. That’s some top tier trolling.

Uh, is China the George Floyd in this metaphor/analogy?

Yep. Don’t you get it?

No, not really.

More like: China are the police, Taiwan is George Floyd, and the USA are all the people with their phones recording the incident but not really in a position to do anything about it.

A wild guess, I might be wrong.

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China would never acknowledge that Taiwan is an “other country”.