Awkward questions that I should have asked a long time ago

I just address everyone as “hey, buddy!” Or, “hey, kid.”

So the really bad thing is calling an intern with a very common name by another very common name. Thankfully I caught myself, but I had to check my email.

There are times when I think this next 10-15 years will be the best in my career, and times when I think, “Sheesh, woman, hang it up and let the youngins take over.”

Oh, you know what, I think it may have been Naoto. It was more than 20 years ago, though.

is that a real person? and hfbb

yeah that makes more sense. “ko” in japanese means little, and is usually reserved for girls

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It’s a “Seinfeld” reference.


If they’re close, you’re Lucky.


Roman spelling. Post corrected!

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