Holy shit. If you don’t like clicking links, it’s a planned dormitory that will house 4500 students in mostly windowless space, with only two entrances.
I spent two nights in a hotel room in London that had no windows, because it was 1/3 the cost of the next cheapest room I could find that would be reasonably convenient. And… for two days, it was worth it. But it was weird. I would become ill if I lived in a place like that, I think. My current bedroom has a window to the east and lets in the sunrise, which helps keep my circadian cycle on track.
Even ignoring the lack of light, I’m surprised the fire code will allow this.
The worst part was that the design was done by 97 year old billionaire investor who agreed to donate 200M (out of a 1.5B price tag) if and only if they used his design. The school seems to have agreed to build it and not turn down the 200M donation, but experts are balking at the idea. The design is to give each student a tiny private room (basically a bed and a desk) in a “pod” of several tiny rooms built around a communal room. It’s a design used in prison construction.
It’s a douchebag move to give an ultimatum “do it my stupid way or you can’t have my money”
I honestly don’t remember if my dorm room had windows, and I had two roommates. I think college students are pretty oblivious to these things. Having windows is a very adult thing to appreciate.
This is happening where I work (and went to school). Going to be interesting to see if they actually build this monstrosity. If they do it will really change the laid back vibe here.
Sheldon: Do you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs? Leonard: Not really! Sheldon: If the height of a step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip. Leonard: I don’t care. 2 millime–? That doesn’t seem right. Sheldon: It’s true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12. My father broke his clavicle. Leonard: Is that why they sent you to boarding school? Sheldon: No. That was the result of my work with lasers.
Figure 2
Incidence rates of dementia by age group, comparing men vs women
Oh sorry, Munger is 97, and well off the age scale for this graph.
I assume UCSB is just going to wait for Munger to die rather than tell him outright that no, they’re not doing this insane thing. I mean, he’s gotta die within 10 years, right?
Wow, not only are the dorm rooms windowless, but single occupancy too. There is a 0% chance I’d ever live there are a college student. I’d sooner transfer.