Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband

Nancy wasn’t home. He said he was prepared to wait for her to come home. Then he was going to have his conversation with her (and break her kneeecaps if she lied). That was his motive for illegally entering their home.

Paul screwed up his plans by calling 911. They got into a tussle and he hit Paul in the head twice with a hammer.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyhow: his plans were not were planned.

I guess it wasn’t sarcasm - I mis-read. sorry

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No, I didn’t mean it sarcastically. I know we disagree on some politics, but you’ve been plenty clear that you don’t condone violence.

I mean, I meant the first part sarcastically, of course. But I was sincere about the “in all honesty” part.

i don’t care what his motive was. he is a piece of shit.

Well he was an illegal alien, and Canada doesn’t send its best.

i’m not sure why his plans matter though.

I didn’t think you were trying to excuse this guy in some way.

That said, i don’t see a huge difference between planning to break an 80+ year old woman’s knee caps, and killing her. I guess it’s little better.

I do think it was, and probably is, premature to think that the increasingly violent rhetoric from some republicans contributed in some way to this guy’s motives. That’s probably beside the point though.

Personally, what troubles me isn’t so much that elon musk was play acting at being somebody who cares about the truth, or due process, with his tweet about not jumping to conclusions. It was his link to the nonsense publication with its (apparently) nonsense article about this being related to a bar. And the implication that somehow pelosi’s husband did something to deserve this.

He’s obviously unable to function in society.

And his motive doesn’t justify nor excuse his actions in the slightest manner. I merely post this information to bring clarity about the situation as we learn more about the details. Some posters in this thread had quickly assumed he wanted to murder Nancy Pelosi. That doesn’t seem to be the case.

what he planned to do wasn’t any better though.

What he planned to do should be enough to put him away for a long, long time. What he did do should put him away even longer.

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Like most illegals he came here legally and overstayed his visa. Wall across the Canadian border would not have protected us from him.

Who said anything about a wall stopping this particular deranged illegal?

huh, the guy isn’t even an american? well that’s surprising.

This is what Wikipedia says about him. Some poor grammar… hopefully it gets cleaned up at some point.

These two seem to believe that a wall will make us safe.

Trump, Rubio, Jordan, Cawthorne, Hawley. Soon to be Oz & maybe Walker. On the non-politician front, Carlson, Hannity, Jones, Bannon.

The claim that “most of the most-reviled on the right are women” is completely unsupportable.

I’m not sure if there are any really reviled men on the left.

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Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer,…

your’e right, I couldn’t come up with too many reviled men on the left. The high profile men on the left are reviled. Are there other high profile men are on the left?

I think you have forgotten how Obama was truly reviled by the hard core right.



He still is, possibly more than ever. Obama is quite clearly the one in charge of the current regime’s destruction of America. Obama is literally running the mid-term campaign right now, while they keep the senile child-groping head sniffer on the shelf.

Cubans in Florida have seen this play before.

Yeah. No one hates and fears Melania the way they hate and fear Pelosi. The left mostly feels sorry for her. At worst they think she’s nasty. But not “sometime we must stop!”

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When i got campaign material from Trump, it didn’t mention any of those men. It takes about how of Biden won, Hilary would really be in charge, and Pelosi would have free reign in the House.