Ao fan's office furniture thread

Stupid question - don’t people’s feet start hurting with standing desks?

I remember when I worked at Starbucks in college and my feet KILLED my first couple weeks… and then I just got used to it. I think your feet/feet muscles just toughen over time?

I worked as a waitress for more years than I’d like to admit but I’m not sure I ever got over the sore feet thing (I didn’t wear great shoes).

google “laptop bracket”. There are lots of things to hold a laptop in place. Just make sure you don’t put it somewhere you will want to put your knees.

Thanks, I have done zero actual research on this so far, including actually testing the length of the existing cable to the laptop on the table, and it all works just fine fully extended. I could work on cable management a bit in general though.

I’m looking into cable holder clips, myself, since I have a lot of cables floating around my desk these days.

boring details

I have

  • four different laptop charging cables – a USB C charger, an old-fashioned charger for my work laptop, a mag charge cable for my new mac, and an incompatible one for my old mac, which I still occasionally use to find something.
  • two monitor cables, an HDMI and a USB C, since the laptops have different ports
  • A USB C cable to my new Mac’s time machine
  • A firewire (or something like that, I can’t keep track of the names) cable for the old Mac’s time machine.
  • A cable to card reader, and a couple of stray dongles that maybe I don’t need any more…

I had a standing desk a few years ago. To compensate for the inability to move down and be seated, I just used a stool of the appropriate height. I used it for maybe six months-1year and then just went back to a standard desk. It’s OK, but not as comfortable as sitting.

I do like my uplift desk, but suspect it’s overpriced.

also, if you order one make sure to get one that’s in stock. i’ve heard that if you don’t, you might be waiting a while. i got mine fast. however in 2023, it might not be as bad since people have been wfh for almost 3 years now. i bought mine in 2020 when setting up a home office was common. found it interesting the massive difference in the price of the different types of wood. i got bamboo that’s on the cheaper side and it’s nice.

I regret not getting 2 smaller monitors rather than one big one.

That seems like an easy and relatively cheap thing to fix.

probably is. I’d probably need someone to help me mount the 2 smaller ones though. I’d have to throw out the larger one as my apartment doesn’t need to store another monitor. I’m continually escaping my apartment anyway, so for now, leaving it as is. I have now 4 setups to work.

  1. my apartment - one large mounted monitor plus small laptop
  2. my friend’s house - one large monitor not mounted plus small laptop
  3. parents house - 2 slightly smaller monitors not mounted plus small laptop
  4. company office - 2 smaller monitors mounted, plus small laptop

company office is the best

I find that I rarely use the 3rd screen and having one generally led to neck pain because I would have one screen on center and then the other two angled around my head, so any time I would use the other two, I was looking off center. The two 27" monitors I have are still angled a bit, but close enough that if I forget to fully rotate toward the one I am using, won’t end up in pain.