Depends, what’s the profit? Chinese trademarks or what?
I’ve thought “Ad revenue from companies that are impacted by federal regulations.”
If Trump gets elected, he will put thousands of loyalist into gov’t positions. He has promised massive regulatory “reform”. Paying for ads on TS seems like one way to get those new regulators to notice me. Kind of like having your meeting at the Trump hotel in DC, but on a much bigger scale.
Stock down 12% so far today. $16.30 right now. Guess investors were less than ecstatic about Trump’s performance at last night’s debate.
RINOs, all of 'em!
His friends list just keeps growing.
(NASDAQ had a temporary halt on DJT trading after the price temporarily spiked after he said he wasn’t selling.)
Watch him sell anyway, therefore being guilty of securities fraud. He’ll start crying about a witch hunt if he gets prosecuted.
What’s he worried about, no way he faces any consequences…
It is an official act…somehow.
$15.01, lockout ends tomorrow.
He’s got to pay legal, campaign, and security bills somehow…
Bills are for lessor people. That’s what campaign contributions are for.
He often hasn’t paid bills in the past.
Folks doing business with him have increasingly demanded payment up front, because of that tendency of his.
If he were smart he would have sold futures months ago. (If that were legal for him, that is.)
He may want to think real hard about paying for security.