Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Yep, my experience isn’t much better/different. Trick is just to find someone you can tolerate the company of to get access to the ridiculous system we’ve got lobbied into where you need a broker to gain access to the listing system, which also conveniently protects their defined commission %. Brokers love to provide “analysis” on comparable houses and suffice to say it tends to be a flawed outlook.

turns out, I think it was a glitch or something with streeteasy. The open house on sunday was removed, and the apartment is now in contract, so the broker likely was telling the truth.

You don’t need a broker to gain access to listings. it’s all online. For most listings though, the seller has a broker working for them who you deal with when you go see the place and negotiate price. Sometimes it’s in your best interest to have your own buyers broker to negotiate, but I’ve found that buyers brokers don’t necessarily understand the market any better than I do. My sister is working with 2 buyers brokers. Would have been one, but my mother “has a friend who is a broker” and annoyingly pushes her on my sister. Her original broker who she wound up using because she met him at an open house and he asked if he could send her listings, seems pretty decent and honest. He gives his real opinion on places and doesn’t act like everything is fantastic. For this last place, he seemed entirely against it in the first place and thought it was listed for too much money.

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Ocular migraines.


I get these once in a while. At least mine don’t hurt, but I do feel hungover after. And I think people think I’m making it up when I describe it.

A prior boss once went to the ER for one. His head didn’t hurt, but his vision was so messed up he thought he was having a stroke

I freaked out when it happened the first time. I don’t like them, but it’s good warning to take something before the other symptoms hit. Even so, my head hurt when the lights were up and I felt nauseated, and ended up sleeping it off.

I had my husband drive me to an ophthalmologist the first time it happened. I was terrified that my retina had torn or something.

And the symptoms went away as he drove me there, so i felt really weird about the whole thing. The doctor listened to my description, and asked if i had a headache. I didn’t. He said, “that’s odd, you just had a migraine”. Which…i guess was sort of validating (no, he didn’t think i made it up, or was exaggerating) and also reassuring (no treatment needed at this time, see a migraine doctor if it becomes a problem.)

It’s only happened to me a couple times since, although I’ve also had a few ordinary migraines.

I do get regular migraines occasionally, but thankfully it’s usually not more than once a year or so. I have siblings that get them frequently. I have never experienced the ocular migraine, and hope I don’t

Yeah, those aren’t fun. I had my first in college, didn’t realize what it was. When I was younger, they were more intense, nausea, dissociation. Now ibuprofen and a nap is normally adequate treatment. Only get a couple a year at most, sometimes a long time between. Hopefully that will become the case for you.

Regular migraines are less intense and less frequent than when I was younger. The ocular ones started after college. They happen 1-2 times a year for me too. I usually take Excedrin as soon as I realize what’s happening. The visual disturbance part typically clears within 30-60 minutes.

I bought 2 gardenia plants to put in pots on either side of my front door. They were comparable size, put in identical pots, and get the same amount of water and sunlight. For some reason one is thriving and the other is sickly and yellowing. I have no idea how to help the sickly one given the other one is doing so well in identical circumstances.

Is it identical sunlight? Sometimes the sun will hit one part of the porch more that the other depending on the angles. Potentially different amounts of rain for the same reason. You could try flipping the plants positions and see if that makes a difference. :woman_shrugging:

Virtually identical sunlight, and I already flipped the plants about 10-12 days ago in case that was part of the issue.

It’s been raining a lot for the last week. Prior to that, I was watering the plants and they definitely got similar amounts of water. I don’t think water is the issue.

I got nothing then. Good luck!

It’s kind of like, with identical twins, one is good and one is evil, I think.

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upstairs neighbor’s kid is apparently having a kid party with screaming, and stomping, and playing fur elise on the piano repeatedly. the stomping makes my entire apartment shake. getting super annoyed. when i play my piano, i almost always use headphones since this is an apartment building. others aren’t quite as considerate.

i think i’ll go for a walk…

Some isolated fireworks around my place. :roll_eyes:

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Have you tried using the PictureThis app?

I have not had occasion to use it, but i have heard good things.

Strained my back again.

May have to quit the quest for a 500lb deadlift. 4 1/2 plates will have to suffice…


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Had a conversation where I said "rolling up to my house w 20 people and yelling through a bullhorn “F— the Fraziers - you can move but we will always be able to find you” was a threat. Other guy (amid the yellers) said not a threat.

In the end it hangs on legal definition of threat (not imminent). But a real life challenge for a friend of mine. It is frustrating.