Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

that’s a lot of words. where are the numbers we need? @Ted_Hoffman will draw up the papers. what’s the price to get in?

you had us at “not titilating”


Thanks for the belly laugh :rofl:

It’s a nice day, so I decided to walk to the new seafood place in the neighborhood with the giant patio. However I was turned away because they don’t allow dogs on the patio.


Maybe if you took your sunglasses off they would realize that you’re not a dog.

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No, after we make it big we buy out DW Simpson, restore the AO, and fire the person responsible for nuking it!


Road work on my street.

Not just the noise, I can feel my chair vibrating (and not in a good way)

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Woke up to a coughing fit this morning. Wah. :pleading_face:

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gaaaaaaa, I’m not an English teacher so I’m not sure how to make the directions for this week’s activities any more clear! :expressionless: The assignment could be “write the number ‘6’ right here” and some kids still won’t do it!

Could be the next Home Depot or Microsoft here…


I’ve got $50 burning a hole in my pocket right now.


Go fetch a few more fitties. :moneybag:

I’m down to $30 bc @T-roy needed me to re-up on my lottery investment.

it’s bonus season though and I can’t spend it all on new sewing machines, you know?

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FFS, State Farm Bank, you need me to send you a GD fax? :angry:

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Lots of fires this week, I think between meetings and Slack I’ve had about eight fiscal seconds of free time today to think about anything.


Recycling didn’t pick up today. Trash did. Recycling picks up within around an hour of the same time. Several hours later… still see cardboard boxes out there.

Hoping they’re just delayed for illness or something and come through tomorrow.

This was one of maybe 3 reasons I enjoyed working in an office, alongside printing personal things for free and occasional free food.


I tried to use the office machine…it didn’t work.

I ended up downloading an app and signing up for a trial period and hopefully successfully canceled it so I don’t get billed.

I ran into the same thing with UHC this week. I ended up spending about $20 at Kinkos after having trouble with what I was told was still a working fax at work.

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Consultants are far too thirsty sometimes.

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Re: faxes, I downloaded an app that sent faxes for me for a small cost. I scanned my documents (also have an app on my phone for that!), uploaded the document to the app, and it faxed them for me, which confirmation. It wasn’t terribly expensive, either, comparable to going to a store to do it. I used that a few times.

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