Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

In the future we’re going to pee on our phones? I will definitely be an old person talking about how much better things used to be.

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Well, just a stick (not reusable, of course) connected via a cable. I thought I wrote that explicitly in my post.
(Checks…) Yes, I did.

I still think you’ll have marketing trouble

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Yeah I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’ll have a lot of phones dropped in the toilet because people are too dumb to read instructions.

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Maybe. It’s called “learning the hard way.”
I’m hoping the cable is long enough that the phone can rest on the floor. Yes, men, you’ll have to sit for this.

Meh, most UTI’s affect women and not men anyway.

We still pee in cups or whatever for other things. Would be nice to do it all at home. The stick would also have analyzers attached, so that analyzed info gets sent immediately to doctors.

Oh, so I’m checking google to see if someone has stolen my idea (say, five years ago), came up with this first, no idea why:

Also this, from ten years ago! Someone made a time machine, stole my idea, went back in time!!

I thought we already could pee on our phones. Or did 976-PEEE have a different purpose?

Now you’re really going to wind him up


^ this is way less satisfying than the animated emoji.

I work near a startup that’s actually building tech that lets you take a picture of tumours or moles or whatever, and can diagnosis if it’s cancer or not. Don’t know if they’ve launched yet, but the phone thing is getting there.

After reading JFG’s comment on the :rofl: emoji I mistakenly thought this was the emoji thread, and for a panicked moment thought this comment was going in an entirely different and extremely unpleasant direction…

We definitely need tumors as emojis.


This one is, though.

Dog is likely being diagnosed with cushings. Which means they drink a ton of water. Which means that every night for the past week and 1/2, 2-3 times every night the dog paces around our bed slurping their lips like hannibal lecter until I get up, get them some water and let them out. That’s getting annoying. lying in bed at 4am hoping dog will go back to sleep. Nope, paces until I get up.

Stupid headache kept me awake until 2:00 this morning!! And I was hungry on top of that too!!! A little toast and Tylenol fixed me up good!!

I was also up unable to sleep last night with a headache. And trying to plan out the thanksgiving timeline. Did eventually manage to fall asleep without the meds.


I use sleeping meds so frequently that when I am able to fall asleep naturally it feels great

I was pan frying some salmon filets and I set off the smoke detector in the hall!!! :woozy_face: :unamused: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: