Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

If you ever get to Australia, this stuff is divine -

You can just keep that half a world away from me, thank you very much. :grimacing:

I don’t care for chocolate with raisins, either. I don’t hate raisins like @Breadmaker , but I find that a really bad combination.


My annoyed thought – despite begging my general contractor to cover the fucking asbestos-laden floor early in the project, they saved it to the end. “The floor guy was waiting for the right color wood to be made up.” Bullshit. Now that everything else is substantially done, suddenly the flooring is available. Too late for me to use the room for 2 of the 3 events I hoped to have it for this summer.

(yes, of course the project took longer than expected. That’s not an annoyed thought. That’s expected.)


I think contractors generally do flooring last so it doesnt get beat up.

yes, that is why he wanted to do it last. But I told him many times that I wanted it done ASAP. And he lied to me about it.

Hope your situation resolves before the wedding. And thanks for the reminder that I need sunscreen for my Colorado vacation.

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IFYP :+1:

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Sudden… onset… of… crippling… UTI AHHHH.


Try a little cranberry juice in your vodka .

After fighting with it for way too long and the pliers slipped one too many times and making me bleed, I said eff it, went to the hardware store, and bought a screw hose clamp instead.


Me: should I get up from my window seat and make two people move so I can go pee?

Me: Nah, we are landing in an hour, I can make it.

Airport: we have two flights landing tonight at 10:30, maybe we should prepare some gates for them?

Airport: lol nah.

My bladder might literally explode and we have been sitting off to the side for 45 minutes since landing and are not allowed to get out of our seats. I might die.

I have gotten up in like circumstances. And a flight attendant instructed me to take my seat. And I told her that I could not hold it any longer. She let me go.


I’m sorry though. :rage:

I made it!


DEAR GOD I don’t want that to happen to me tomorrow. Connecting flights. UTI.

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Whiskey, you mean whiskey.

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A little whiskey in your vodka or the other way around is probably better than adding cranberry juice cocktail, which has way too much sugar to have any therapeutic value, to either one.

I am, however, a big fan of cranberry supplements. I don’t think I would have survived pregnancy (which was essentially a big long UTI) without them.

Good luck, UTIs are no fun.

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Last week they failed to load one of my wife’s bags on the plane.

This week they failed to load two of my daughter’s bags on the plane.

Thank goodness I don’t have a flight with them next week with 3+ bags.

How much would I have to pay to get same day delivery?

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