Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

You presumably paid with a credit card. You could complain to the credit card company that the item was not as advertised.

I bought one of the quietest bath fans on the market. But it’s so quiet, sometimes I’m not sure it’s on, and sometimes I forget to turn it off.

You have to read the descriptions VERY carefully on that stuff, and the comments as I believe this is a common issue. I think vendors make the descriptions deliberately misleading. IMO that is false advertising but I don’t have the energy to sue.

Really? I struggled like heck with this for a long time with the home depot guy, trying to decide if there was any noticeable difference in sound between the standard fan and the more expensive quiet ones. Home depot guy suggested probably not enough to warrant the price. We ended up with one that is fine, it’s barely noticeable. But if I’d have known that you could buy one that was actually silent, I’d have dropped the cash. Seems like a nice luxury item.
Also, luv luv luv what you’ve done with your bathroom. If my spouse would let me live in a century home, I’d be doing the same thing.

I highly recommend Panasonic bath fans. I’ve got two, and when I went down the rabbit hole on reviews and recommendations, everyone said Panasonic is the gold standard.

If you’re really interested then I can drag up model numbers.

Current annoyed thought. The basket thing on our air fryer has two bolts and two acorn nuts that attach it to the handle. They keep coming loose. Feels like a risk someone could drop something hot on themselves, or the dog, or the counter.

Heading to Ace tomorrow, I’m going to add some high temp Loctite to these bastards.

When someone pronounces “since” as “sence”.

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I have BPPV that flares up now and then. Easily fixed with head maneuvers, usually, but I can’t do them right now because of limited mobility in my neck. So of course today I woke up with vertigo.


I brewed a pot of coffee, poured myself a cup, and then left it in the kitchen, and worked in my office for ~0.5 hour before realizing this. Now I have to walk ALL the way back to the kitchen to retrieve a cold cup of coffee. :coffee:


I don’t know why this stuff annoys me. But this ‘person’ just followed me on Instagram. I follow about four people because I wanted to get some pics from them. And about four family members follow me. And I have zero posts.

The ‘lift and peel’ safety lids are bull crap. They work a third of the time, the other two thirds of the time I’m ripping them out in pieces or taking a knife to them.

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I don’t know from instagram… but

Maybe she was looking to follow her friend called SpiceLobster or SpaceLubster and she misidentified you?

I figure that if I actually followed them, then at some point I’m going to see some nekkid pictures, followed shortly after by the ability to see even more nekkid pics at only $9.99/month.
Which is fine, I don’t mind this from a marketing perspective, it’s valid and used in a lot of different ways. I just don’t like it personally, I’m so far outside their target marketing.
Or worse, there’s a scam upcoming if I follow them.

e.g. I used to do something similiar on linkedin when I was selling stuff to insurance agents. Connect with a message like ‘I’ve got some crap that will help you with X, can we connect so I can send you some info.’ They’d connect, I’d send them a message to watch their email. Then I’d cut a custom video with their name and company and describe what I was flogging. end of video, told to click on the link in the email to schedule a call for full details. And, results were pretty good. Same thing, but I filtered who I was targetting, and was 100% clear what I was doing every step of the way, and they had the opportunity to bail at any point.

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tl; dr but you don’t strike me as the sort to send out necked pics, even for a potential $9.99 a month.



soooooo glad that ended with “-shot” rather than the other thing I was thinking of…

Rimouski??? Rimless?? Leah Rimini???

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Send me $10 and find out.

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You like feet?