Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Come again?

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first snow arrived pretty miuch on schedule today. woke up to 32 degrees and white stuff on grass and the leaves (yes, the trees still have the leaves). Fall is 100% here.



got a notice from UHC (a standard update), looks like it was reprocessed and i only owe $65, my 10% copay

hallelujah. How many people who don’t know how to work the system get screwed over?


I’m getting an MRI on Monday, at a radiology center. I was shocked at how cheap it was (they looked up my insurance before scheduling me and gave me an exact number. $491, and I haven’t hit my deductible yet so insurance is not paying for any of it, that’s the negotiated rate).

So I looked up how much the same shoulder MRI would cost with my insurance at other places, out of curiosity. Anywhere from $500 to $3,000, evidently. The hospitals were the most expensive.

I was expecting it to be over a thousand, so I’m quite happy with the cost. I assume they can offer it cheaper because radiology is all they do?

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Hospitals charge high prices for almost everything, they have a lot of overhead for one, but historically they have also had a lot of clout to negotiate rates.

Perhaps someone figured out that an imaging center made good business sense, in terms of startup cost and revenue and what-not.

The other thing that makes imaging centers compelling is patients can shop around (not if you were just in a car wreck, but generally). For most, an MRI is an MRI, so why not call four places?

More and more payers are aligning towards imaging centers to cut cost.

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When the dog steals my spot on the couch when I get up to refill my coffee.


I’m getting fed up with spam emails about the Camp Lejeune (sp?) settlement. I’m down to about six per day but they are relentless. Outlook not doing a great job filtering these out at all.


When your sofa pre-warmer gives you the look for appreciating the job they do. I suppose I could check the counter for food. :dog:

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Only mildly annoying but still… list an item for free on Marketplace. Get a guy who says he’s coming at 6:30 last night. Fine, here’s the address. Doesn’t show. His wife is working he’ll be late, gotta stay with the kids. (Um, any reason you can’t just throw the kids in the car? It will take all of two minutes to load the item into your car. It’s a safe neighborhood… not like the kids would be endangered or anything.)

Offered it to someone else last night who flaked.

First guy says he’ll be here at 11:30 this morning. Fine, you have the address. Another gal is begging me for them… she’s right down the road. I tell her if the first guy doesn’t get them at 11:30 she can have them.

At 11:35 she asks if the first guy came. Nope, come on over, here’s the address. At 11:40 she picks it up while the first guy simultaneously says he’ll be here in 5 minutes.

Nope, sorry dude, you lose. I held them for you not once, but twice and twice you didn’t show when you said you would.

I’m just glad they didn’t both show up at the same time!


I hate selling things for precisely this reason. We now live on a busy street, if it’s worth $10 or less I just toss it on the curb and it disappears.

  1. nothing is posted for free. $10 in the post, then don’t accept the money when they arrive. Otherwise you get the hoarders who are scanning for the word free.
  2. Nothing is sold until it’s paid for, and don’t hold anything, ever. If they want to set a time to come, tell them ‘text me before you come, make sure it’s still available’.
  3. if they want to pay or put down a deposit, the deposit holds it for 24 hours and then you own the deposit and the item is still for sale.

that cuts down own all the administration and if someone’s serious they’ll do the jumping through hoops.

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I’ve listed stuff for $5 and had no takers after a week or more. I want it gone, so I don’t do that any more.

Has it been a week already?

Hello darkness, my old friend…


I take it to the “take it or leave it” area at the town recycling and disposal center. Then it stops being my problem.

Goodwill is a good option too.

Both of those options require getting off my sofa.

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ctm…yesterday wife needed some help with something she was doing on the desktop computer. I was reclining in my lazy-man-recliner, poking around the internet via my laptop. I was within five feet of her. Instead of getting up and walking ALL the way over there, I just fired up teamviewer and connected to the desktop via the laptop. Hilarity ensued. A good time was had by all both.

Interestingly I get basically no Camp Lejeune email spam. I of course get the barrage of ads online and on TV though. My spam has an extremely high % of scammers.

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Dunkin points inflation.

Old system:
$1 spend = 5 points
200 points = free coffee

So you’d get a free coffee for every $40 you spent.

New system:
$1 spend = 10 points
500 points = free coffee

So now you get a free coffee for every $50 you spend.

I guess with inflation the value of that free coffee kept increasing, and it was a clever obfuscation to completely revamp the points rather than change it to 250 points needed for the coffee.

They also now have other free options you can spend your points on besides free coffee … it’s almost like airline miles with a menu of points & rewards. Still… annoying.