Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I think maybe the smaller dimensions is the vanity without the sink on top and the larger dimensions includes the sink.

Annoyingly one is LxWxH and the other is WxLxH. :grimacing:

That’s what you get for $479… a non-proofread description!!!

i’m not following. it only has 24" on the description which i assume is width because that’s standard and then in the specifications it has WxDxH. the sink wouldn’t affect the width.

Stoopid faucet problem now. I hate plumbing!

I was referring to the specifications:

It’s still relatively clean water. It’s not like there’s pee and poop in there.

How do I email a complaint to Home Depot?

Home Depot complaints contacts

  1. Call Customer Care on 1-800-HOME-DEPOT or 1-800-466-3337.
  2. Email Customer Care on
  3. Visit Customer Care Website.
  4. Tweet Home Depot Customer Care.
  5. Tweet Home Depot.

Definitely did a ‘don’t push that button’ moment yesterday that’s set us back a day or two. I deleted an object, didn’t realize that the object was linked site wide so I deleted the object across like 200 locations.
Realized it too late, backups were in a stage of older ones were too old, newer ones were to new (i’ve got daily, and I’ve got hourly, but 2 hours ago is a bit of a problem).

Also asked a question about how something worked today and got told ‘it’s hard to explain’. Uh, it’s a flowchart. this is not hard to explain. Start at the top and tell me the decisions and branches.

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The one that really gets me is the height, 34 1/2" is about right, 38" would be pretty tall. I’m of the opinion that the larger dimensions you noted are the dimensions of the cardboard box it comes in. The PDF has the pic below, which jives pretty well with the other dimensions.

Also note this one is 18 5/16" deep, many vanities in the US are more like 21" deep. It sounds like AOF has a smaller bathroom so being a little shallower could be a good thing.

I’m just disappointed we didn’t get sevenths of an inch somewhere in the specs, honestly.



Ah, that could be it too. Seems like the diagram would be more likely to be accurate.

Can’t remember what I bought, but the dimensions of the box were listed, so that is reasonable

I saw that email address but not on the home depot website itself which makes me think it isnt real. Where did you see that?

ADD sucks.

I was getting ready to go to the coffee shop, packing my computer and phone.

Luckily, I noticed my wallet sitting on the desk, and remembered to take it with me. When I was halfway there, I realized I didn’t know where the coffeeshop was, even though it’s in my neighborhood and I’ve been there many times before. I simply don’t know where anything is. I took out my phone to find it, but realized that I had forgotten to pack my wallet, even though I had remembered to.

That’s ADD for you. Way, way, way, less so now that I am middle-aged. Can’t wait for this to be the norm again when I become senile.


I do stuff like this all the time and honestly believe I have an undiagnosed case of ADHD.

It’s hard to say, everyone does that stuff sometimes, and different people have different standards for what counts as “bad” or “common”.

It’s clear when you talk to someone developing dementia. And they get really upset because they know that the frequency of losing stuff is going up, even though it’s not very high yet. And they don’t know how to handle it.

When I was a younger I lost things all the time, but certain incidents stand out. I failed several classes because of things I forgot/lost, have been fired from jobs, have had my valuables stolen, and important documents lost.

One classic case was the one time in life I traveled in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language. I lost my passport, of course. Then I took a 24 hour train to the embassy, and lost the documents I needed to replace it while on the train.


now i’m confused what is considered “L” and what is considered “W”. I use “W”, “D”, and “H”, no “L”. width, depth, height.

my current vanity is 27" width by about 22.2" deep. I think i’d rather have 21" deep than 18 5/16". my current one is definitely too much width. might be a little too deep too, but more certain on it being too much width. it blocks access to the bathtub, but depth can do that too.

where they have 24 - 3/16" = width to me, 18-5/16" = depth & 34 1/2" = height. i’m not sure what they are categorizing things in twigs version.

I searched Home Depot complaint email and one of the results was “How do I send a complaint to Home Depot” or something likethat.

yeah, that’s how i found that too, but it’s not on the home depot website.

Really feels like it shouldn’t be this hard to procure one small vanity, no? These kinds of things are how I wound up spending north of 200 hours on our bath remodel before we swung a hammer.