Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Bidet ftw

Hubs & I use “Out Of Milk”.

I haven’t tried any others. My only complaint is that it tries to categorize everything by useless categories like “produce”, “meat”, “dairy” etc.

Yeah, so you’re telling me that milk is a dairy product? How brilliantly insightful!!!

I want categories like “Costco”, “Target”, “Trader Joe’s”, etc. You can add your own categories, but the default for milk will always be “dairy” and then you have to change it manually to “Costco”.

I could keep separate lists for each store, but that’s too confusing for hubs.

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I have vertigo (BPPV) that flares up once in a while, it’s been happening for a couple years. I don’t know why it happens, but Epley maneuvers do help. I have it again, and it’s taken me a few weeks to identify it was happening this time, so I’ve been feeling off and dizzy for a while.

Just a touch of the dizzies!


I have lists for each store. It gets interesting when I move to a different state as I have to reallocate all the (for example) Wegmans items to other stores.

My wife started having bouts and the pharmacist recommended Dramamine. Hasn’t had a bout since the recommendation so I don’t know if it works for her or not yet.

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I’m running the dishwasher last night when I swear I smell plastic. I thought it was the new dishwasher tab I used, but it turns out a plastic lid for some glassware ended up under the bottom rack and on the heating element!! :man_facepalming:

We keep one list, but sort it differently depending on what store we go to. But in general, the dairy will all be together, so that’s a useful category.

We actually have a hybrid list, in that we have a piece of paper posted on the fridge with a magnet, which is where we jot down items that we use up, or are running low. We don’t bother to mention staples on that, that we buy most trips, like milk and canned tomatoes, and fruit. But we do spend a couple minutes looking at the spreadsheet and deciding if we will buy the “usual” amount this trip, and add the items from the fridge.

(Items don’t actually leave the list, they just flip from “yes” to “no” in the "“this trip?” column. And of course we sort on that column, as well as “where are these items in the store we are going to?”)

If it’s a big enough list ($36+), I often order online and do a curbside pick up. Sometimes I’ll schedule a pick up several days in advance and add to the order (can modify it up to midnight prior to pick up day. That’s what we did early in the pandemic, because pick up was so popular that pick up slots were booked out.

If we have a future pick up order in progress, we just add as we think of things. Otherwise there’s a whiteboard on the fridge which has grocery items on top and Costco items on the bottom.

Could you use shorthand? Like C for Costco, T Target, J Trader Joe’s? Like so:

C milk
T cheese
J ice cream

One list, and if you sort it then it gets grouped by store? Maybe too confusing, I don’t know.

Grocery store here is near criminal on pickup fees. It’s allegedly free if you order $35 worth of stuff, but if anything’s out of stock and your order goes below $35 they slap the fee on there. Like, I once had a $75 order where they could only fill $34.90 of it and yep… pickup fee.

And sometimes they slap the pickup fee even if the order is over $35.

Plus it takes them so freaking long to bring the order out to the car that half the time I think they don’t start pulling it together until you click “I’m here” (after saying “I’m on my way”).

Online pickup at Target is great. But at the regular grocery store, not so much.

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Vote with your feet. Go to another grocery store.

Target is great. I usually pad my Kroger order to keep it above $35 in case something is out.

Only one of my local stores does curbside pickup, but they do it really well. If anything isn’t available, the shopper texts me, says what the alternatives are, and asks if I want to substitute something in. There’s almost always a suitable substitution, often just another size of the same product.

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That’s not always possible.

The time my order dipped below the threshold due to stuff being out I didn’t complete the updates prior to pick up and I wasn’t charged the fee.

Twig needs to shop where you do


You people must have very busy lives.

And do you trust grocery store people to pick out produce for you?

Depends how bad Covid is in my area at the moment, what the produce is, and how big of a hurry I’m in.

A bag of baby spinach? No problem.
An avocado? No way.

Of course I just picked out two onions at Trader Joe’s and on both of them about the fourth layer down was rotten. But the rest of the onion was fine. On both onions. They each had one rotten layer amidst perfectly fine layers. I don’t know how you check for that in the store.

I only used curbside pickup for a brief period between when there was enough capacity for everyone to use it (before that I felt we should let the infirm and those most at risk from covid get the slots) and when I felt comfortable returning to stores. I’m pretty covid-shy, and I still wear a KF94 mask while I shop, but I am comfortable shopping again, so I am doing my own shopping. Partly, I like to look at the produce not to pick the best apple from the bin, but to decide which types of produce look good today. I do the same with meat, and to a lesser extent, cheese.

Still, I WAS really impressed with the quality of curbside pickup at the store that offered it.

One of the other local grocery stores doesn’t have space for curbside pickup, and they did home delivery, instead. That resulted in about a thousand small plastic grocery bags, and I only did that twice. The quality of their selection, etc., was fine. But wow, soooo many bags. Just not worth it.