Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Just going to reiterate how much it pisses me off that people say “we’re looking for work, call us” and you call them to try to get them to do work for you and they never return your call.

If you’re that fucking busy, quit asking people for work. If you’re not that busy, return a motherfucking call. If you’re not that busy and can’t return a motherfucking call, close your business because you’re probably not capable of doing even semi-quality work.


There were lovely bits of candied orange peel, but the rai-SIN was a nasty surprise!!! :nauseated_face: :triumph: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :poop:

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I’m a cheesecake purist… even the candied orange peel sounds a bit much. But nowhere remotely near as bad as raisins.

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This was old European style cheesecake, not New York style. :yum:

I am the spawn of New Englanders, but I guess I am a Midwest girl at heart as I prefer Chicago-style… for both cheesecake and pizza.

Lou Malnati’s!!! :yum:

What is Chicago style cheesecake??? :popcorn:

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okay, let’s do another take, but this time, tell us how you really feel…

Lou Malnati’s all the way!!!

Chicago style cheesecake has a smoother crust so it has a smoother overall texture. Made from cake crumbs.

New York style cheesecake has a thicker crust made from Graham cracker crumbs which makes it crunchier. New York style cheesecake also has extra egg yolks added to the filling, although honestly I don’t notice that too much.

If I’m making cheesecake at home I usually use very finely ground vanilla wafer crumbs (which isn’t totally authentic), although I have one recipe that calls for a yellow cake mix.

I’ve tried making cheesecake so many times, but it never comes out perfect and I get frustrated. Same with custards.

So nowadays when my kids want cheesecake,
I either pick up the private selection variety cake at Kroger, or buy a box of Jello No Bake. Worth it!

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Hmmm, I have no issues with cheesecake. It’s apple pie that’s my Achilles heel. I love it but I can’t seem to make it right to save my life.

Yes, I buy the right kind of apples (Granny Smith usually). Yes, I know to use cornstarch and not flour in the filling.

Still comes out super duper watery. :sob:

If you can make apple pie then maybe we can work out a trade. I do not want to lose this deal! :wink:

My SO makes the best apple pie ever. Even people who aren’t really a fan of apple pie pick their apple pie as their first choice. They had a Mennonite fellow tell them their pie would make the Amish jealous lol.

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Want to try an unusual cheesecake? Try making Emeril’s savory smoked salmon cheesecake. I’ve made it twice and it turned out great.

Now I’m sitting near a piece of shit yap yap dog that has been shrieking the whole time we’ve been boarding. Put a goddamn sedative in that thing!

Even better, leave it at home!!!


Huh, i don’t think of the crust as an integral part of the cheesecake, just as… basically a garnish. Like the blueberry sauce on top.

I only really know two kinds of cheesecake, the lighter, crumblier one and the thick smooth one. I think of the latter as “New York style”

Well I like the smooth texture of the cheesecake, so IMO the crunchy crust kind of ruins it.

I mean, New York cheesecake is still edible and better than Oreos or Dairy Queen. But it’s not nearly as delectable as Chicago cheesecake.

Can’t you just skip the crust? And then they are all the same. Unless crushed cake along the bottom really adds to the experience?

I rather like the contrast between a crunchy crust and the smooth, rich interior. But…i sometimes eat them in separate fork-fulls just to better enjoy the salty, buttery, crispy crust. (When it’s good.) And if the crust has off-flavors, i skip it.

Also, i can guess that by “Oreo” you mean a cheesecake with a crushed Oreo crust, but I’m stumped by “dairy queen”. Unless it’s cheesecake sold by dairy queen?

I couldn’t find a Chicago cheesecake online that had a soft, cake crumb crust. But i found this, with a crunchy shiryt bread crust, that sounds delicious:

i read it as an objective ordering of things that are tasty. CHI Cheesecake >>> NY cheescake > oreo > DQ.

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