Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I do that. I think it’s because it’s a physical activity towards which to direct anger, and simultaneously, being a chore, is a thing my SO doesn’t also want to do, so I also get away from her for a bit.

My SO bakes when they’re stressed (not angry, but stressed). Kind of a mixed blessing.
From the annoyed thoughts though, married almost 30 years now. She knows my favourite cookie is peanut butter (of course it is). And she NEVER makes peanut butter cookies. Ever.
If I’m lucky, my daughter whips up a batch for my birthday.

early lunch?

Got Caesar salad
The dressing tastes like mayo
This is annoying

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Hot tub FTW

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I swear, Sirius XM 755 plays this acapella version of the William Tell Overture every ******in’ day!! All I want is some nice music to actuarialize by!!! :rage:

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My company is requiring us to take the BinaxNOW COVID test daily at our upcoming all-staff retreat, cool. They are in short supply, CVS and Wal-Mart both had them this morning, and I went with Wal-Mart who said I could pick it up at my local store. Then Wal-Mart cancelled my order because they don’t actually have them, and now CVS is sold out, so I’m back to refreshing websites all damn day trying to find some.

If your company is requiring the test shouldn’t they also be providing them? I’ve only looked once here but they weren’t available and a sign said you could only purchase 2 per household.


Yeah, it’s super annoying that they are making everyone do this instead of buying them in bulk on our behalf. Doing it this way means everyone is spending however many minutes or hours checking online several times per day.

When COVID hit and PPE was in short supply, we secured $1M worth for our practices, you’d think we could come up with a thousand of these somehow.

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A guy at CVS told me that the website inventory for that test shouldn’t be relied on. I went to one store that showed them as “available” but they hadn’t had any for a few days.

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I mean, what if you can’t get the tests? You can’t attend the event that is required for you to attend?

CVS, Walgreen’s, and Wal-Mart all show them as being out of stock, but I’m considering hitting a few stores at lunch to see if they happen to have some. I only need two kits.

We are allowed to attend virtually, but I’ve been here over a year and haven’t met anyone on my team (we are a fully remote company), so I’m kinda looking forward to this.

I suspect if people can’t get these, then they will start allowing us to use other brands that are more available. Right now it has to be the Binax test per our Chief Medical Officer.

Might be worth calling. You can also ask when they expect to get more in.

A couple of weeks ago CVS had the Quickvue test available online. I ordered 4 kits, which have 2 tests each. At least I have a few if/when needed.

My wife had cold like symptoms, and I spent a few fruitless hours checking websites and driving around looking for one. Turned out she didn’t have COVID.

I got three kits at Wal-Mart, first store I went to. While I was there I picked up corned beef, the last ingredient I needed for Reuben night tonight. So.


Double win.

if my company required a specific test but didn’t provide it - and it was hard to find - i wouldn’t attend. I get your personal desire to attend is based on more than that. but company should make it easy on you.

Yeah, it’s ridiculous that they put the burden of finding the right test on the employees when there’s a massive shortage.

That said, I get wanting to go in person.

Yeah, I’ve met exactly two people who work for the same company, we had lunch. They are in IT so I don’t really work with them.

I did take company time to find the tests, I’m not doing this nights and weekends for sure.