Alternate History Thread

Also, who would he have chosen for a running mate? Fiorina? A woman would be a good pick against Hillary at any rate.

If he picked a woman then maybe that woman wins the 2020 nomination and we have back-to-back women Presidents.

Why didnā€™t trump have a female running mate?

couldnā€™t find one bangable enough for his liking?

Nah, either Dems get the Senate and Hillary nominates someone else like Sri^2 after Obama withdraws Garland post-election or Reps keep the Senate and leave the seat vacant as Mitch said he would (or until a conservative is nominated).

I think if Clinton won the election the Republicans could have quickly confirmed Garland during Obamaā€™s lame duck period and would have on the assumption that Garland was better than whomever Clinton would nominate.

I mean, yeah maybe Obama withdraws Garland but if the Republicans confirm him before the withdrawal then itā€™s done. They could have called an emergency session on election night, I believe. And if the polls showed Clinton ahead they might have dispensed with the shenanigans and confirmed him before the election.

And if you donā€™t think they would haveā€¦ look no further than Bill Clintonā€™s impeachment. They kept hemming & hawing about waiting until after the electionā€¦ because they expected to make big gains. When they actually lost seats, the impeachment suddenly proceeded with incredible swiftness.

His campaign focused on a demographic where that would not have been viewed as a plusā€¦ at best a neutral. Rubio or Bush would have run a more traditional campaign.

  1. Many senators arenā€™t in DC on election night
  2. They arenā€™t confirming someone to SCOTUS without a hearing
  3. Even if they did, they would need Dem senators voting to invoke cloture
  4. The alternative is killing the SCOTUS filibuster, which they arenā€™t doing for an opposite party
  5. As ridiculous as those are, it completely ignores that Obama could withdraw the minute he hears of a vote being called

Iā€™m not saying they would have not wanted to, Iā€™m saying they would not have had the opportunity.

They actually did that in April 2017. You think they were so principled in November 2016 that they wouldnā€™t have???

Kind of a giant FU to Garland, IMO. I think Obama wouldnā€™t have done that until at least the day after the electionā€¦ if he did it at all.

Certainly not the week before the election just because Clinton was ahead.

No, just that they wouldnā€™t have done it for the opposite party, as I said, even if the alternative would be worse in their minds. But that still doesnā€™t matter becauseā€¦

I never said the week before the election. You said if Hillary was winning on election night, and Iā€™m saying even if all the senators teleported to the senate floor for an instant filibuster breaking vote on a nominee without a hearing, Obama would still have time to pour a drink and have a smoke before withdrawing the nomination, not as an FU to Garland, but to Mitch.

You continue to grasp at nonexistent straws, take the L and letā€™s move on with your scenario: a decent VP pic for Rubio in ā€˜16 who could beat Hillary in ā€˜20 could be Nikki Haley.

Iā€™m not grasping at straws but I do disagree with you. Happy to move on though.

Yeah, I thought of her too. That wouldā€™ve been an interesting election.