Adulting someone else's kids is hard

Goddaughter had a breakdown over finances last night. Not like she was ignorant of her situation, but a credit card bill finally drilled in that she is “on her own” with regards to her parents. She owed about $850 monthly when, biweekly, she only earned about $260 due to bad scheduling by work combined with 2 days she was legitimately sick and called in.

She was adamant something must be wrong because there’s no way she spent $850. I walked through her bill verbally and added up, $20, $3, $250, $30, yep we are getting to $700, $750, $800…

She verbally, explicitly without encouragement, said that she is buying things to feel a sense of control and because “the things I have in front of me can’t leave me, I know that I have these things.”

She mentioned she was going to pay “part of her Discover card” which was most of the $850 across her two cards. She has something like $15,000 in the bank. She considers that “Grandpa’s money” that she doesn’t touch and is hyperfocused on her cashflow account, which is a better mindset than “spend it all”, at least.

We had a good family discussion. I explained that the “pay part of my card” thing just will not happen, and explained why, and she fully understood and agreed. I explained that one of the most upsetting things to me would be hiding these financial worries from me and I respect and appreciate that she told us. I explained that I am her advocate, her friend, her support, but I will be angry if this is hidden. We expressed our rock-solid financial backstop for her, that we want her to be responsible, but she is a college student and not expected to grow her net worth. That we will always be here, that she is not being kicked out, even post-college that’s a discussion that she’ll likely move out at some point, but that is a 2-year-from-now discussion that isn’t relevant today, and no matter what we are her friend and ally and she’s never being kicked out.

We are working on things. We are working on a budget. If needed, it may be a hard “envelopes” budget where she moves cash from A to B when it is spent virtually.

She verbally processed - actually said, “I need to say this out loud to get it out there”, “Because you’re here, it is better to have $5 in my checking account and no debt than it is to have more money in my checking and have debt.”

I explained, sometimes some people may have other valid arguments, like if somebody was just laid off and needs that money to eat for the day and doesn’t have another choice - but in this situation, absolutely yes.

We are planning a vacation next year that she’s enthusiastically part of - her suggestion, actually. She will have to pay some amount, <$1000 but nontrivial. We haven’t discussed details with her, she will pay airfare, has paid/is paying for some tickets, but since Partner and I would need a hotel either way, we are paying for the hotel. Discussion on details for a few days from now since everything just happened.

Because Goddaughter pays “rent” for her auto insurance+a bit, we discussed that I could charge her $100 more “rent” for the next few months and put this in an envelope. She will know where that envelope is, I will never spend it. She can access it at any time she wants, but it lives in my office. It is hers, earmarked for vacation. If she needs it more than the vacation, she can always have it. It’s right there, and hers.

She was late on her monthly “rent” this month, which is 60% auto insurance. I’ve told her that she won’t have any late fee, but “late” shouldn’t be a thing and will be an issue if constant. We discussed it late last night. This morning, there is something like $300 sitting in front of me on my desk including about a hundred $1s that I need to count out. Didn’t expect that, but good, fine.


Hey, will you come over and talk with me about my finances :laughing: Good job, keep it up.


Went to a Pride event with Goddaughter over the weekend with her new… romantic friend? on their first true “date” after a couple hangout/walks. What do you call a romantic partner who is non-binary? I should have asked but Goddaughter isn’t around.

Unfortunately, the friend broke up with her. Goddaughter’s bummed, but it was a new thing, and perhaps they’ll be friends. The friend had just moved from out of state and was getting into things too quickly.

It was great to see Goddaughter at Pride though. She was a little intimidated. At home before and during college she was never allowed to be openly queer, and during her first college year while further accepting she was queer, she didn’t quite dive in at the time. She might’ve been caught going to Pride anyway, since Mom would track her location on campus and badger her if she wasn’t headed to the right class, etc. With her being college-aged, most of the people there were more like 30-70 and she felt a little out of place. But she was so happy being in a place where she felt safe and accepted. We did some crafts, saw some drunk people dancing, saw a drag show, went home.


Please get your months right.
It is Hispanic something Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Time to wear pink.

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New FAFSA rejection, new 8 week wait. She’s been on hold for an hour attempting to talk to them again, we’ll get ahold of them today.


  • Therapist’s letter is not written on official letterhead (It is 100% on official letterhead and wet-signed)
  • Therapist’s letter is written in the 3rd person. I need to review exactly what they mean since I didn’t closely read the letter. (Edit: Phrases like “It is the opinion of this therapist that Goddaughter’s treatment by her parents constituted emotional and verbal abuse.” The therapist needs to rewrite it more like “It is my opinion…”)
  • Not all letters describe your ongoing relationship with your father. Two of the people writing letters only ever met her mother. They need to add a sentence saying, “Her father does not interact with her” and re-print and sign it and get it to us.

Mind you, she asked very clearly in the last call, are there any other requirements? This list is everything? I don’t need to get anything else other than what I have here? There are no other requirements not listed here?

Turns out, there are more requirements.

Edit: We’re trying to get this turned back in by Saturday given the updated letters we need to collect. I’m hoping she won’t be hit by late fees because now, she didn’t turn in this FAFSA before the tuition deadline, rather technically she’s now turning it in after, again.

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That’s brutal. Sounds like you need to start recording all of these calls and submit the recording with your FASFA.

Or there may be the unwritten requirement that somebody who appears to have funds for school needs to demonstrate/prove their financial need by re-submitting their application at least 5 times.


With this one she is going to submit a separate cover letter detailing each time she’s called, on which days and the people she spoke to, that she was told this is everything needed.

Explaining that this is her sixth FAFSA attempt, that each time they add a new requirement they didn’t explain that she needs to go collect updated letters from each person because they added one irrelevant thing.

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This, or one of the prior attempts, is probably where I would have asked (via certified letter, cc’d to relevant congresscritters) for a copy of the published standards the application was being reviewed against, and an indication of precisely where in those standards the prior application failed.

After all, surely that should be possible if they aren’t being capricious in their review, and having the full published guidelines apparently seems necessary to submit a good application.


Ah, I didn’t quite explain this well enough.

We recently learned that each individual attempt at the application can be reviewed by a new person, there is no guarantee we get the same person.

We’ve also learned there is really no set list of guidelines. The issue with the therapist speaking in the third person? The next person from the Financial Aid Office had never heard of somebody requiring that.

There are some hard requirements, but very few. Everything else is “whatever that person felt like was needed that day, according to them.”

That’s why we’re submitting a cover letter this time, also touching on that.

Edit: How it was described to us is there is an area where FAFSA money is divided into pools. Over here is “normal FAFSA money” and things are pretty tightly regulated. Over there is “special circumstances FAFSA money” and the government says “everybody handle it how you see best” and is pretty hands-off. It’s up to the college if they want to handle things competently or not.

I had a suspicion that was the case.

Part of the reason for making the request is, for someone who can read between the not-really-subtle lines, is to convey the messages that the inconsistent, ever-evolving requirements is the sort of thing that judges react poorly to.

It’s not Karen-eqsque asking to speak to a manager or throwing an “I’m calling my lawyer” temper-tantrum, but it is one way to possibly get someone to consider that some of the :cow: :poop: really is :cow: :poop:.

The reason for cc-ing a government official is because they sometimes have higher level contacts, folks who, when alerted to bureaucracy having turned into a hamster wheel, can ask the minions to cut the crap and actually do something. (Although thinking about it…if it’s the school making the determination, rather than federal bureaucracy, a state AG’s office might be a better resource.)


Thank you for the thought. I’m taking this seriously into consideration. Right now, we think if we flip this back around to being resubmitted no later than Monday (though we’re hoping Saturday) with a cover letter explaining her many attempts, maybe it will get us there.

But we might have to pursue your method… perhaps concurrently with resubmission. Perhaps it’s something to bring up in her next phone call with the Financial Aid Office, to get their ears to perk up and actually assist.

What an ordeal. Hoping that this one goes through!

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Success. More success than I anticipated, holy cow. HUGE weight off our shoulders.

Goddaughter will be getting the maximum amount of Pell grant aid. I wasn’t expecting it - I was ready for them to be rejected because there’s no bruising, no police report, no charges filed. Or ready to get just a few thousand. But finally they’ll be getting something like $7,400 in aid over the whole year. Beyond that, the subsidized federal grants available cover the majority of what remains, and rather than take unsubsidized loans she’ll continue to work her 20-25ish hours/week. She’ll graduate with a moderate amount of debt but very manageable.

We have considered getting her a full-time job that would pay around $32k/year and offer a few thousand in tuition assistance, but that would mean working 40 hours/week AND doing 12+ credit-hours. It would be a very heavy workload and probably isn’t something we’ll try.

We submitted a cover letter explaining how many times they’d told us we were ready to submit. The therapist submitted a pretty snarky response about their objection to his use of the third person, why he did that, and then submitted both a third-person and a first-person letter and told them to select whichever they preferred.

Now we’re dropping that Christ-based therapist later this week and moving Goddaughter to a new one, at her request.


You are right: No. Just, no. End up doing neither well.
What I would (weirdly) suggest is alternate a year in school with a year out of school. Might be hard to transition from one schedule to the other, though. But, the money made one year can be used to pay for the school the next.
Part-time is better than this weird idea.

Start checking around NOW for full-time jobs in the summer. And bump up part-time to full-time over winter break, if it’s a long one.

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Honestly, if she can save about $40/week for college from her current 20-25 hour/week job, she can pay out of pocket for the excess amount over the federally-subsidized loans and graduate in low 6 digits of debt.

Then during the summer, she’ll maybe take 3-6 credits instead of 12 and tourism in our town will ramp up. She works food service and will likely take on more hours. We’re thinking something like, on top of having to pay out of pocket for that little amount, start saving $100/month to a bank account that’s specifically to address her college loans. Have that something like $2000 by graduation be a cushion against the loans to ease her into paying full-adult bills. Her payments may be only in the range of $100-200/month.

We’ve already discussed the wisdom of paying off these loans early. We don’t know the rates yet, but it’s seeming like something a little over 6%, even subsidized.

I would go more for a “work full-time for 2 or 3 years then get the schooling done with part-time work” . . .

but for the effort put forth to get the financial aid, this isn’t likely a good solution.

Agreed. rasty did too much work to not to have goddaughter finish college ASAP. Especially if they can get the grant every year.


This is pretty funny.

Happy things worked out for you guys overall.


This is going to be tough. I would be very flexible with any outside work at the beginning of her course.

In my experience, too much pressure on her (work and school) and she might crumble (emotionally). And then you basically go two steps backwards.

Financial security is important, but I would put emotional resilience ahead of that one for now given her background (its also possible her family might throw you a curveball and make things much more difficult for her). I would help build her emotional resilience slowly over the next few years so by the time she graduates she is firing on all cylinders.

That would be a “win” I think in her case as she would have the tools then to really be independent.

Am not sure finishing school asap is realistic.

You will basically have to see how they handle school on a year to year basis, and adjust.

There will likely be a lot of ups and downs.