Actuarial Professional Liability

Anyone know what the best way to get some quotes for an individual actuarial PL policy? Asking for me.

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i don’t other than google.

do you personally know any of the private/small practice actuaries out there that you could ask?

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I don’t, and when I previously searched years ago it was somewhat hard to find.

When I started working for a guy that was previously a solo practitioner, his strategy was to put most of the big family assets in his wife’s name.


I only know from the UK (its also required if you are a contractor).

Don’t you have professional sites that look at this type of insurance for you in the US?

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Have you tried enquiring from the Conference of Consulting Actuaries? They are my first go to on issues regarding consulting practice.


I suggest using your contacts at some of the actuarial consulting firms and see what carriers they use. I assume a carrier that writes this coverage for a firm would also consider writing it on an individual.

Another possibility is using your contacts at the largest insurance brokerages.

If you are considering becoming a solo practitioner, and if I were an underwriter of this coverage, one question I would ask is “who will be peer-reviewing your work?”

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I just went to a local agent. $5M individual and $20M E&O IIRC.


T-roy, out of curiosity - who is the carrier and what is the premium? And what is the rating base - estimated receipts?

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