Action Castle I - A Text Adventure Game

You can’t look under there! What if there are monsters??
Steeling yourself anyways, you cautiously peek under the bed. Unfortunately you only see dust bunnies and some dirty clothes you shoved under there because you’re too lazy to clean them.

Look out the nice window

You look out the nice window. It’s so beautiful outside! Maybe you should go experience the nice day for yourself.

Go outside

Check that I’m clothed

You go outside. You’re on a lush garden path that leads north and south. There is a rosebush here. There is a cottage here. Exits are North, South, Enter (the cottage)

You look down and double check that you’re wearing pants. Phew, crisis averted, you are wearing pants! You can’t afford to get caught in public naked again.

Stop and smell the roses

You stop and look at the rosebush. You see a single red rose and bend over to smell it. It smells wonderful!

Take rose, hoping not to be screwing our chances, but who knows when we may find a fair maiden

You now have a rose!

Take path north, wondering if moderator will reply "You now have a path north!"

You are walking along a winding path that leads south and east. There is a tall tree here. Exits are South and East.

Examine Tree, does it look climeable?

The tree definitely looks climbable. It has plenty of branches to use as foot and hand holds.

Save Game
Climb Tree

Game Saved!
You climb up the tree. You surprise yourself with how nimble you are, and quickly scale the tree.
You are at the top of a tall tree. There is a stout dead branch here. From your perch you can see the tower of Action Castle. Exits are down.

Tear off dead branch

You now have a dead branch! You are at the top of a tall tree. Exits are Down.

Ha didn’t think that would work

Climb down