20Q Game 33

Echidnas are the only other extant members of the monotreme family.

Guppies do not give birth to other kinds of fish, Ms twig, although…

… from googling to confirm this fact I learned that male guppies will “mate” with other fish, even male platies, but these mating attempts do not produce any fry.


Actually, I’ll just guess it and then someone can start the next one (who thought Koala first?)

Is it a koala?

Just guessing? Without narrowing it down?

But what if this is one we LOSE???!!

There are still two more guesses left

There are MILLIONS of species of animals to consider!

And luckily for us we have already narrowed it down to Koalas.

I think jaguars are pretty cool, and I might have claimed them as my spirit animal when I was 7. (we had a toy jaguar that went with one of the GI joe dolls, and I used the play the jaguar while my brother played the GI Joe.)

But not the answer to this question

Yes it’s a Koala

Oh thank god.

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I missed that hint. :oops:

@SpaceLobster : We need the :oops: emoji!


:oops: is better than toilet-:flushed:

Agree. I feel like :oops: is saying “I screwed up and I’m sorry and I feel a bit sheepish about it” whereas :flushed: seems to be more generic embarrassment.

I’ll take the next one, unless someone else really wants a turn.

If no one else and for it in the next hour and a half, I’ll start a new thread.

Q1 - MayanActuary - Is it a physical object? - Yes* (some might argue)
Q2 - Soyleche - Are you likely to be within 50ft of one today? - No
Q3 - John.S.Mill - did the object category exist 200 years ago? Yes
Q4 - Soyleche - Is it unique? - No
Q5 - 1695814 - Is it something that can be purchased? - No (a person would not likely be able to purchase - though it might be for sale in some instances)
Q6 - Lucy - Is it man made? - No
Q7 - SredniVashtar - Is it a thing that lives and dies? - Yes
Q8 - SredniVashtar - Is there one in the Washington DC zoo? - No (at least not per their website “Meet the Animals page”)
Q9 - John.S. Mill - Does it lay eggs - No
Q10 - Lucy - Is it’s natural range in North America? - No
Q11 - MayanActuary - Does it have an average lifespan of more than 15 years? - No
Q12 - John.S.Mill - is it carnivorous? - No
Q13 - Lucy - Does it live in the water? No
Q14 - Vorian_Atreides - Is it visible to the naked eye? Yes
Q15 - John.S.Mill - Is it domesticated - No
Q16 - SredniVashtar - Is it bigger than a 12 oz can of Resurrection beer? - Yes
Q17 - Lucy - Have I likely seen it at a zoo? - Yes
Q18 - MayanActuary - Is it A koala? - YES!!!

If I threw you off with the under 15 average, my bad. I did consider answering that question Maybe? But given the link that Mayan posted (which I also used) about males rarely making it past 10-12 years in the wild I figured the average had to be under 15 for the species.

And when Twig said there were 2 at the National Zoo, I almost posted, “someone should tell their IT department”

Feel free . . . I’m tied up for the next few days as it is. And I’m no Houdini.

Giving a range <> giving an average.

In the absence of distributional information, I think it’s reasonable (in general!) that the mid point is the “average” to use. So your answer to longevity should be sufficient and not take innumeracy into consideration.

Seeing as no one else is clamoring to clue…

Translation: No, I’m not asking if you’re that dumb; I was talking about those other idiots who don’t know the difference between animals & mammals, and just wanted to clarify whether you were conflating the terms in the exact same way as those idiots.

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Err, i don’t think that using words differently is generally a sign of being dumb. There are lots of words that are used differently in different contexts it by different groups of people.